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Bad Batch Episode: Entombed
Another mission for the Bad Batch. To the five male clones in the group, it was just another Saturday.

For a start though, Omega and Wrecker were searching for stuff in a junkyard.

"Ah. I love a good junkyard." Wrecker smiled.
"You said it," said Comedia.

Having been raised being given hand-me-downs or dumpster diving, she was used to repeating the phrase, "One man's trash is a lucky mare's treasure."

"I'll take a look at the farther parts of this area." Kara said before zipping off.

Wrecker lifted something up.

"We'll definitely find a spare compressor here."

Onega looked through a piece of broken crystal and said, "Among other things."

"You got that right." Wrecker chuckled.

"This looks useful." Zipp said, picking up an old wrench with her mouth.

"See anything, Comedia?" Omega asked as Comedia flew into another part to look for something.

"Ooh! You're never gonna guess what I found."
Comedia came out with what looked like a plush carrot. "Someone lost a chew toy here."

Comedia chewed the toy in her mouth and started shaking her head around with the toy and growling like a dog, making everyone laugh.

"Comedia!" Zipp sounded disgusted. "You don't know where that thing's been!"

"Be careful, everyone." Mila said. "We don't want anyone getting hurt on broken glass or splinters."

Diamond suddenly whinnied as a glass shattered, just barely missing her.

"Like that."

The group climbed into what looked like an old abandoned ship. Omega looked into what was probably the glove compartment and found some interesting trinkets.

"Here's what we were looking for." Zipp said.

"And in good condition too." Mila added. "A little cleaning, and it should work just fine."

"Well, got the compressor." Wrecker said, looking at Omega. "Find anything good?"

"Check it out," said Omega excitedly.

Diamond sniffed the two things Omega held. One looked sort of like a metal baby rattle of some kind, and the other was about the size and shape of a pocket mirror.

"What are those things?" Diamond asked.

"Let's find out." Omega said.
Meanwhile, back at Cid's parlor, Cid's pirate friend Phee was telling a story to two regulars, Ketch and Bolo. Meanwhile Hunter, Echo, Crosshair, and Tech were sitting at the counter, and Mona was walking around the parlor, playing with her plush duck Squishy.

"Suddenly, I felt its tentacles wrap around my legs, pulling me down into the depths. I had no choice but to fend off the Octomorph. Bare-handed."

Ketch and Bolo were excited, but Echo, Crosshair, Hunter, and Tech were not impressed.

"This story changes every time she tells it." Tech said.

"I'm sure if Teatra were here," said Indira. "She'd say that no one can say Phee doesn't have an active imagination."

"Vanquishing the creature, I swam to the coral cave. And you know what I found?" Phee continued.

"What?!" Both listeners exclaimed.

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