Season of Changes

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Featured song:

"Some Things Never Change" From Frozen 2
Summer vacation was the time of year kids in schools looked forward to all year almost as much as the holidays when Santa came (if not, maybe more). A time when school's out, and kids can just have fun like the carefree spirited beings they are. They can spend their time at the beach, the mall, taking family vacations to the water park, eating ice cream and fruit slushies and looking for all kinds of fun ways to beat the heat, or sleeping late after a hard year of homework, tests, sports, and extracurriculars. But, all good things must come to an end.

Royal children were no exception to this rule. Especially not the Skywalker-Jinn children. Although, for them, they spent a lot of summer break fighting clavatized villains as well as landing escaped villains back in jail. There was Mama Bear, Tropi-Callous, Crescenda, Emo-Jacker, Whirlia, Anna Conda, Priyonka Atay, Tickler, Hocus Chaos, King of Hurts, Frostbite, Drag Queen, Junk Foodie... the list goes on.

But, a lot of good stuff did happen this summer too. Myra had the sweet sixteen of her dreams (even better than she imagined at that), Garrett reunited and reconciled with his family, the Monroe sisters reconciled with their parents, Mariposa found her father alive and brought him home safe and sound, Mona moved in and got Emeraldi as her new horse, Emeraldi made her mark, and Qui-Gon and Shmi finally got married. And despite the royal family and the Bad Batch dealing with missions and magical villains, they still had their moments of fun in the sun.

School was just a few days away, and the older Skywalker twins, Boba and Omega were going to start their very first year of high school too, and they wouldn't be alone. Their friend Myra Windu was entering her third year of high school, and another friend of theirs would be joining in her first year of high school too. Young Princess Comedia Evermare-Mundi.

It was crazy that Boba and Omega were already teenagers. Despite one of them being adopted much later than the other, and shortly before turning thirteen, Anakin and Padme couldn't help feeling tears come to their eyes seeing that Boba and Omega were growing up so fast.

As for the younger kids, for some of them, it felt strange to think that soon they would be going to different schools. And for one more of them, it felt even stranger that she would even be going to a real school at all. Garrett spent the last month tutoring Mona to make sure she passed a simple exam that showed she was ready to enter the third grade, as she would officially be turning eight soon (after doing some more digging into Mona's past, they finally managed to find her exact date of birth, and that she was actually a year younger than she thought. Time sort of gets away from you when you've never once been outside and never gained a real concept of time.)

But with all that was happening, it was mostly a big change for brother and sister Gabby and Boba Skywalker. With how much the family was growing, things sure got interesting for the two of them, as well as their parents. There were times, however, when they missed a simpler time. So, it was a rare and happy moment when Boba and Gabby could have some time alone, just the two of them like it used to be.

Today, the now seven-year-old Gabby and her big brother were having some time together under a special tree where Gabby's swing from the old Jedi Temple hung. When the two of them were much younger, one of their favorite things to do together was sit under a beautiful tree in the Temple garden and read a book, draw pictures, or enjoy a snack, and of course play on the swing or just talk. It was their special thing; their brother-sister time.

Gabby and Boba were very close, that was clear to everyone. Anytime the little kids wanted to play with the big kids, Gabby most often played with Boba. And Boba was still a wonderful big brother to her since the day he first came home. She still loved when he pushed her on the swing, and never got tired of playing Indiana Jones adventure with him. And Boba, in turn, never got tired of doing the big brother stuff. It felt good to have his younger siblings look up to him, although it felt like he was under pressure too in terms of setting an example for them. Especially with Gabby. She was the first sister Boba ever knew, and he never felt like he'd repaid his debt to her for how she saved him from a dark path, and he made a vow to himself and to her that nothing would come between their special bond. They might not have been related by blood, but they were an inseparable sibling pair.

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