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Bad Batch Episode: Faster

Switching partners on a team was no easy task. This, the Jedi, the royal family, and the Bad Batch were quickly finding that out as enchanted professor Garrett Heartwood brought everyone a lesson plan that involved everyone with a horse from Equinaro matched through the Ride of Love ceremony, and everyone randomly switched horses in an effort to practice teamwork and cooperation with someone new. The plan was everyone spend five weeks with their new partner, and the assignment, everyone was to write a report of their progress and what they learned from their experience.

As you might expect, not everyone was finding this assignment easy.

Anakin got matched with Crosshair's horse Maybelle, and Wrecker with Master Koth's horse Zipp. At first, these two were happy because they got horses who were fast, strong, and not afraid to jump into new places. But, Anakin quickly found that Maybelle was as energetic as she also was affectionate, meaning she did a lot of licking and got up in his business sometimes. And Wrecker, he found that Zipp could be a little bossy, as in she made her dominance known early on.

Hunter was placed with Master Plo Koon's horse Citrus, whereas Echo got Hunter's friend Indira. Echo didn't find too much trouble with Indira; she was pretty calm and enjoyed being stroked and brushed, especially on her neck and behind her shoulders. But, Hunter quickly found that Citrus was a little more excitable, and a greedy guts for snacks.

Crosshair, he got Master Yoda's horse Magenta. Even though she wasn't a diva anymore, she did have a bit of a habit of bursting out her music, and a lot of energy too.

Omega got her aunt Kara's little horse Diamond. They got along pretty well. To be fair, they did already live in the same house, and looking after Diamond wasn't too different from looking after the younger kids. Tech, however, he believed he had it the hardest.

Comedia had better self-control at home and at school, but she was still a silly-corn and had a need to get her jokes out. So, when the five new horses joined the Batch and Mila on the Marauder, and Tech went to sit in the pilot's seat... fart!

Everyone was laughing or disgusted, and Tech froze with embarrassment until he found a whoopee cushion on the seat.

"Comedia, do you not ever get tired of placing these on chairs?" Tech asked.

"What do you think?" Comedia laughed.

"I do not understand the question."

"Find your sense of humor then."

But, Tech just got to piloting.

"Don't worry, Amor." Mila said. "I've got a prankster cousin back home. I know how to deal with jokesters."
The Batch got to Ord Mantell for yet another mission for Cid. Naturally, Zipp, Citrus, Comedia, Diamond, and Magenta were all curious about the place. Cid, though, didn't look too happy when she saw one horse walking on the ceiling and another digging into her secret mantell mix stash. I think you can guess which pony did what.

Nevertheless, Cid sent two of the Batchers and their horses on a mission. Hunter and Echo were sent to deliver some nerf nuggets, which meant they took the Marauder and left the others at the parlor.

To pass the time, Tech was browsing on his tablet while Mila was looking at a bridal magazine, trying to figure out her wedding dress. Crosshair, on the other hand, just sat wordlessly watching as Omega and Wrecker sat at a table to play a game of Dejarik. More than one actually, as they made a bet that the loser buys the winner a carton of Mantell Mix.

Wrecker was sure he would win this time.

"Ha, ha! Got you now!" Wrecker said.

"Don't be so sure." Zipp sang.

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