Back to Kamino

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Episode: Return to Kamino Parts 1 & 2

The Bad Batch were a man down now. One leader short to be exact. Hunter was trapped on Daro in a strange base of some sort full of soldiers in green and black who, according to Gregor, worked for Mariverde. And what was even stranger, the missing clones weren't the only prisoners there. They'd also found a little girl who was scared half to death, her big blue eyes still filled with tears as the first clone to help her was missing. The poor child still wouldn't speak; they didn't even know her name, who she was, or where she came from.

Right now, Echo was working on the Marauder with Omega helping him, while the others were contacting the royal family and the Jedi for help.

"Let me see if we understand correctly," said Garrett over holo-chat. "You found the missing clones, but in the data-base of their computers, you found MARED prisoner numebrs?"

"We did." Lamenta said.

"How is that possible?" said Obi-Wan. "Every criminal who has recaptured so far is back in prison now, with others still at large."

"Maybe Mariverde decided to catch some for herself to make an army." Gabby suggested.

"But if she has an army of clones, why isn't she using them for that?" Padme said. "We all saw how she's been able to clavatize people more easily as of late."

"It makes absolutely no sense." Tech said, looking at his tablet again. "Other than to divert our attention, I cannot encrypt any possible reason Mariverde would release hundreds of criminals only to recapture them for herself.

"We couldn't use any magic inside the base either." Maybelle said. "There are adracium crystals everywhere in there."

"Essentially, we'd have to rely on old-fashioned tactics to get anyone out of there." Kara said.

"We were at least able to rescue one clone," said Estrella. "And a little girl we found. But she needs Mariposa to nurse her back to health."

"Why her specifically?" Master Luminara asked.

"Because she's a..." Estrella looked around and quietly said the last bit of her sentence. "Doresho gypsy."

This definitely intrigued everyone. So far, they only knew of four existing Doresho gypsies: Mariverde, Mariposa, Goldie, and now the unnamed new girl Hunter rescued.
Omega couldn't think straight knowing Hunter was probably being tortured by now.

"Spanner wrench." Echo requested.

Omega just grunted in frustration. It didn't help that she get making light spheres out of whack due to her emotions.

"This is taking too long!"

"Omega, focus." Echo said calmly.

"I can't. We have to get back to Daro and rescue Hunter."

"We will, but we can't go anywhere until the ship's fixed. Hand me the spanner."

Omega handed Echo the required tool, and he fixed what needed to be fixed.

"That should do it." Echo wiped some sweat away.

Meanwhile, Tech was working on the inside of the ship with Lamenta helping him.

"The hull's patched." Echo said.

"Nearly finished getting the systems online." said Tech.

"I left Gregor with Cid." said Wrecker. "She wasn't too happy about it."

"What else is new?" said Echo.

"Well, we're stuck with Orange." Crosshair groaned, still carrying the girl they rescued.

Legend of the Jedi Princess 3: Return of the DoreshoWhere stories live. Discover now