Mama Bear's Coming

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Everyone was resuming work on the sweet sixteen. So much still needed finalizing, and the party was in less than two days.

Brenda was worried about Myra though, mostly in regards to her parents. Mace had made stupid decisions in his lifetime, but if Brenda had to guess his stupidest, it would have to be inviting her parents to their daughter's birthday.

"Mace, how could you invite them to the party?!" Brenda said.

"They're your parents," said Mace. "Don't you think Myra deserves to have more of her family at her special day?"

"You don't understand. My parents are very traditional, especially when it comes to making girls conform to certain standards like a quinceanera. They ruined all my birthdays when I was younger, and my teenage years were the worst, especially my fifteenth."

"But I saw your quinceañera pictures. It looked great, and you were smiling."

"I was forced to! I didn't even want a quinceañera. My parents forced me to have one as a family tradition, and I despised every bit of it. I hated the dress, I don't like tres leches cake, and I didn't even get a say on the decorations either. It was the worst birthday of my life. Once my parents take control of something, they don't let go. That was why I ran off the moment I turned eighteen. Even now, they're still trying to control my life."

"I'm sure you're just exaggerating."

Mace kissed Brenda in an effort to calm her down, but it didn't do much.

"There's no exaggeration when it comes to my parents. All I know is we best get things done before they start to get all control freak."

"Piece of cake, which reminds me. I'd better go see how Strawberry's doing with Myra's cake."

So, Mace started to head out to the bakery, when he ran into Mrs. Monroe.

"Oh! Mrs. Monroe. You're looking well this morning." Mace said.

"Why, thank you. Where are you off to?"

"To my sweet shop. I happen to run a dessert business with a friend of mine." Mace said.

"A businessman. I always hoped Brenda would find a man with a real job. Looks like miracles do happen."

"One taste of the way Strawberry makes desserts, and you'd believe it. She grew up learning to cook. Would you care to join me in picking up Myra's cake?"

"I'd be happy to. If this Strawberry is as good you say, I must taste one of her desserts."

"May I recommend a taste of her strawberry danishes? They're her specialty."

So, Mace and his mother-in-law walked over to the bakery, where there were lots of tasty treats and sweet drinks being served to customers. Mace greeted everyone hoping they were enjoying the sweetness of the shop.

"Hmm. Seems you have some success around here." Cecilia said.

"We aim to please." Mace said. "Let me show you where the real magic happens."

Mace brought Cecilia with him back into the kitchen, where Strawberry Sundae was icing some cupcakes.

"Strawberry, I'd like you to meet"

"Oh!" Cecilia jumped, which startled Strawberry a bit. "There's a horse in the kitchen! Shoo! Go, horsie!"

"Uh... nice to meet you too?" said Strawberry. "Mace, who is this woman?"

"This is Cecilia Monroe, Brenda's mother. Mrs. Monroe, this is my friend and co-owner of the sweet shop, Strawberry Sundae."

"You run a bakery with a horse? Isn't that a serious health violation?"

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