Funny Holiday Business

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Featured Song: "Deck the Rooftop" by Glee cast

Ki-Adi Mundi got himself in his best robes as it was time for the royal family's Heartmas ball to begin. Now he needed to retrieve Comedia.

Master Mundi knocked on the door.

"Comedia, are you almost ready?" He asked.

"Coming." said Comedia.

The door opened, and out came Comedia in her gown, sparkly silver polish on her hooves, and her curly hair was tied in a neat side braid, a little red and white propeller hat in place of her usual purple and white one on her head.

"What do you think?" Comedia asked, trotting around a little bit.

"You... you look beautiful, Comedia." Ki-Adi said, unable to believe how lovely and mature Comedia looked, except... "Except, I think you might want to lose the hat."

"But I like this hat." said Comedia.

"This is a royal ball."

Comedia scrunched her nose at that. "You already picked the dress I'm wearing. You said I could pick my accessory."

Ki-Adi sighed. He did promise Comedia that. He insisted on picking out her outfit because Comedia was not that interested in fashion, especially not royal gowns, most of which were very itchy for her. And even though most of the equines didn't normally wear clothes, there was no way Ki-Adi would let Comedia go to the party naked.

As both her rider and Comedia's guardian, Ki-Adi's job was to care for her and set a good example for her. And what kind of example would he be setting if he told her she had a choice in her accessory and then didn't let her wear it?

"I did promise you that." said Ki-Adi. "If you want to wear that hat, it's fine with me."

The clock chimed, signaling the time for the ball to begin.

"Oh, the party's starting!" Comedia exclaimed.

"Then I guess we best-" Ki-Adi began, but Comedia began to run.

"Hurry up, Daddy!"

Ki-Adi froze for a moment.

"What did you just say?" said Ki-Adi.

"Uh... I said hurry, Ki-Adi." Comedia said, slowing down and walking away.

Did I just call my rider Daddy? Comedia scolded herself in her head.

Queen Reigna, King Orpheus, and their three daughters were the first to enter the ballroom.

Winter arrived with her rider Colden and his mom Queen Eleanore. And Summer and Aqualia came too. Even though Orpheus' side of the family was not royalty, Summer was still part of the family, and her rider was royalty.

Some might've expected this to be strictly for the royal members of the royal family, but Queen Reigna found a loophole. The party was for members of the royal family. And Orpheus was a member of the royal family, whereas Summer was his niece by blood, thus technically making Summer a member of the royal family despite not being royalty herself.

And, of course, the Evermares were at the party as well. Emeraldi looked particularly lovely in the green gown she wore.

That was when the steward announced the arrival of two more guests.

"Lady Comedia Adira Evermare and Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi."

And the doors opened to let the young alicorn and her rider in.

Comedia looked and sighed to see her sister approaching.

"Ugh, here comes the queen bee herself." Comedia groaned.

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