A Mandalore Wedding Part 1

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Excitement was in the air, the magic of love spreading throughout the atmosphere on the Planet Mandalore.

With Death Watch defeated, Mandalore was once again a peaceful world. And to make things better, the people were so excited because today their ruler, Duchess Satine Kryze was getting married to her long-time love Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

In a matter of hours, Satine would be Mrs. Obi-Wan Kenobi. And Obi-Wan would become the duke of Mandalore.

Anakin patted Obi-Wan on the back as he looked out the window of all the Mandalorian citizens and guests arriving by the minute for the royal wedding.

"All of Mandalore must be out there." Obi-Wan gasped.

Obi-Wan was so nervous, not just because he never imagined that he of all people would be getting married. Even after the Code changed, Obi-Wan didn't think he would be able to adjust to the idea of being able to get married and have a family of his own. He'd helped Anakin look after Gabby many times since she was a baby, so he knew how to take care of at least one kid, a very active one at that who'd scared away a lot of babysitters when she was much smaller. And even after his former Padawan grew up, he still babysat him sometimes during the Clone War.

"Well, this is the first royal Mandalore wedding in practically a century." Anakin smiled. "You're gonna do great out there, Master. Especially 'cause you got the best best man."

Peppermint licked her rider.

"Satine's a very lucky lady." Peppermint said.

Obi-Wan looked at Peppermint. She wore a very pretty Mandalore blue saddle with little red and white mint candy-like decorations embroidered into it, and her mane was tied in a beautiful updo with a crown of blue flowers atop her head.

"My, don't you look lovely, Peppermint?" Obi-Wan said more as a statement than a question.

"Thanks. It's the girls who deserve credit for this." Peppermint said, motioning to a special little box she wore around her neck. "As your ring pony, I take my job seriously too."

Peppermint played a part in helping Obi-Wan find the courage to profess his love for Satine and pursue the relationship he always wanted with her before deciding. So, it only made sense that Obi-Wan would choose her to carry the wedding rings.

"We all worked really hard to make this a special day for you Obi-Wan." said Anakin. "Tonight, you and your duchess will be the happiest couple in the galaxy. Well, besides Padme and me, of course."

Satine still couldn't believe the astounding wedding dress that was made just for her.

A sparkling illusion neckline gown with a lovely outline to compliment Satine's silhouette, and a lovely blue ombre at the bottom of the skirt that looked as though someone airbrushed it, and it looked amazing.

"It's even more perfect than I ever dreamed it would be." Satine sighed, looking at her beautiful dress.

"Roya never ceases to amaze." Padme said.

"Do you think she can design armor too?" Bo-Katan said.

Bo might not have been a fan of dresses, but even she had to admit she was impressed by Princess Roya's work.

"Maybe." said Padme. "Boba's dating her. We can get in touch anytime."

"I always wished of this day ever since that first time I spent with Obi-Wan." Satine sighed dreamily. "And now it's finally coming true."

"So, are you and Obi-Wan thinking of having kids?"

"Obi-Wan sounded particularly nervous about that." the duchess chuckled.

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