Weddings & Match Makings

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Featured song:
"Perfect Stallion" from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
Weddings were one thing that made everyone go crazy. Who could really blame them? The music, the dancing, amazing food and beautiful cake, the gathering of so many friends and family members, and the most important part, seeing the bride and groom so happy together as they stand at the altar and make a vow of everlasting love to each other.

It was no secret that this no ordinary wedding either. Today, Brenda Monroe-Dawson was getting married for the second time, but this time to her first love Jedi Master Mace Windu. After fifteen years of being apart when Mace was given the ultimatum to choose either his girlfriend or the Jedi, Mace found the daughter he didn't know he had, and he and Brenda rekindled their romance, and here, in this beautiful church, they were finally going to be married and officially be a family at last.

Mace stood up at the altar, looking so handsome in his purple tuxedo, Master Yoda standing beside him as the best man. The human Jedi, however, looked very nervous. What groom wasn't nervous on his wedding day, though?

The organ's beautiful music filled the air, and Kade was walking down the aisle as the ring bearer with Strawberry walking beside him, Goldie and Mona riding on the horse's back and sprinkling beautiful flowers, looking absolutely adorable doing it, all of them. Now that Kade's adoption was finalized, Mace wouldn't just be his stepfather once he and Brenda were married; he would officially be his father.

Mona and Goldie continued to sprinkle flowers, but accidentally threw some on Strawberry's muzzle, which would've made her sneeze had she not snorted them away. Heidi and Myra each walked down the aisle too, both of them looking lovely in the purple bridesmaids dresses and crowns of lavender flowers they wore.

Everyone soon got excited as at the end of the aisle, there appeared a new, very beautiful figure who was absolutely glowing. And seeing that figure, Mace's nerves started to vanish.

Harmony took that as her cue to conduct the band to play "Here Comes the Bride"

As the music played, in came Brenda, being walked in by her father James Monroe. She looked so beautiful in her wedding dress of fine with lace all adorned with sparkling gold embroidery, her hair done in a neat bun decorated from which hung a long veil with little purple and white flowers to match her bouquet.

"Wow." the preacher said.

"Wow." Mace sighed happily, still unable to believe he got so lucky to be marrying such a beauty.

"Wow." even Yoda couldn't help voicing how lucky Mace was.

James gave his daughter a kiss and slowly let go of her hand, and Brenda's smile grew as she stepped up onto the altar and stood in front of Mace at last, just like she always dreamed.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to join Mace Windu and Brenda Monroe in the sacred bond of marriage."

Kade sneezed as the preacher was speaking, prompting Mace to glance at him for a moment, but the boy regained his composure and just smiled like nothing was wrong, and the groom returned his attention to his bride.

Mace and Brenda looked into each other's eyes as the preacher went on and on for what felt like forever. And soon came the very special moment that came right before they would finally kiss as husband and wife.

"May I have the rings?" said the preacher.

Except, when the preacher and the couple looked at the ring bearer and flower girls, Brenda gasped. The kids were all an absolute mess! Strawberry, for some reason, was in a dress like Tiana's and was dowsed with what looked like blue paint, Goldie was also dowsed in paint, but the paint on her was green and she was covered in glitter too, Mona was covered in yellow paint and she had a bike helmet on for some reason, and Kade was covered in pink paint and garbage, which made him smell awful.

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