Attack of Crescenda Part 2

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Ki-Adi immediately rushed to his daughter as the curtains closed.

"Comedia! Are you alright?" Ki-Adi helped Comedia up, the young mare snorting as she shook the initial dizziness from her head.

Comedia managed to get out a small neigh.

"Hey, Comedia made a sound." Omega said. "Crescenda didn't get her voice!"

Comedia tried to say something else, but all that came out was a whinny. That was when she was confused. Then, Emeraldi tried to say something, but all that came out from her mouth was whinnies too!

"What the heck?" Gabby said.

Comedia tried again, but only ended up whinnying louder; same went for Emeraldi. Everyone was confused; Crescenda had just taken the Evermare Sisters' voices, but why could they still whinny and neigh?

Comedia whinnied at Remix.

"Yes, I can still understand you." Remix said.

"Crescenda's power probably affects horses differently," said Carousella. "And if that's the case, then she just took Comedia and Emeraldi's ability to talk!"

"Do you feel any pain or anything strange anywhere, dear?" Ki-Adi asked Comedia.

Comedia just shook her head.


Emeraldi also shook her head.

"If Emeraldi and Comedia can't talk, they won't be much help." Anakin said.

"Not necessarily." Indira said.

"She's right," said Myra. "You guys can still understand us, right?"

The Evermare sisters both nodded.

"And clearly, other horses can understand them." Round n' Round added. "If they just stick with one of us who can still speak, they should be fine."

"If that's the case," Ki-Adi said. "Ladies, pick a horse to assist and translate for you."

Emeraldi chose to go alongside Indira since it was her suggestion, and Comedia... she went with Remix, with whom she began nuzzling with, the two snorting affectionately, which horses usually only did when...

"Comedia?" Lamenta said. "Remix?"

Both Comedia and Remix looked a little embarrassed by this.

Ki-Adi and anyone else who saw this also looked shocked.

"Comedia... is Remix...?"

Comedia nodded and snorted. Ki-Adi didn't need to understand horse to know what she was saying.

"We hoped you wouldn't find out this way." Remix said.

"How long has this been going on?" Ki-Adi asked.

"Since shortly after the Mare-Lody incident."

"Why was this-?"

"For the moment, maybe we should all worry less about their love life and more about the fact that Crescenda is out there?" Padme said, more as a statement than a question.

Everyone gathered around and went over the plan: they knew Crescenda hypnotized her victims before she stole voices through music, and the stolen voices were kept in her magic shell. Their best bet: cover their ears and create a sneak attack to grab the shell and break it to restore everyone's voices.

"What can I do to help?" Carmine, or rather Count Crescendo, signed.

"You'll be playing an important role in this." Mariposa explained. "The first thing we have to do is distract Crescenda long enough to evacuate everyone here."

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