Results & a Series of Unfortunate Events

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Garrett and Mariposa took the blood samples and ran a few tests on both of them.

Meanwhile, Boba and Omega continued to have mishaps with their powers.

Boba made steam in the kitchen while he was looking for a snack, Omega blinded the queen and two guards by accidentally flashing some bright light, and then Boba accidentally started flying and then turned into merform before crashing into his twin sister.

The Bad Batch tried to help keep them under control.

"Hold still already, will ya?!" Wrecker said, holding onto Boba as he lost control of his wings again.

"I'm trying!" Boba said.

"How much longer until your testing will be done, Mrs. H?" Echo called, getting some sunglasses on.

"Not much longer." Mariposa called from another room.

By the time Goldie, Lamenta, and Gabby were picked up from school, the Batchers looked exhausted. Tech, Teatra, Pinto, and Hunter were soaked, Wrecker got a little burn mark from Omega's magic creating heat, and Crosshair was still helping Maybelle get all the algae out of her mane from Boba accidentally making a tsunami from a nearby lake earlier.

"What happened here?" Kara asked.

"The twins' powers going nuts happened." Crosshair said, combing Maybelle's hair.

"Ow! There's a head attached that hair, ya know." she whined.

"Just hold still."

Boba and Omega both looked relieved as their powers finally seemed to go down for now.

"Finally!" Omega sighed.

"Thank God that's over." Boba said.

"Are you guys okay?" Gabby asked. "We got worried when you got sent home from school."

"I hope so." Boba said.

"Garrett said something about it having to do with us earning magic instead of being born with it like you and the rest family were. Except for Mom, Aunt Caroline, and Grandma Shmi, anyway."

Gabby remembered the day her brother and then sister-to-be got their powers very well. Given that neither of them had been born with magic, it was expected that they kight feel strange at first. Even Boba got a little bit of practice with magic when his adoptive family temporarily transferred their magic to him as its holder to protect it from Mariposa's late sister. But even then, he had some struggles, especially given that it was more than one Enchanted's entire supply of magic all in one body.

To find an ordina with the physical and mental strength to hold that amount of magic, especially of immense power, was said to be close to impossible.

Ever since he'd become her brother, Gabby looked up to Boba like most little sisters and brothers did with their older siblings. It amazed her just how strong he was after all he'd been through, and the same could be said for Omega. Despite being sisters for less than a year, Gabby saw great strength and determination in Omega that was great to look up to.

"What do you know so far?" Gabby asked.

"All Mariposa told us was that it could be a simple case of hormonal imbalance and that this'll just go away on its own or we could even take some vitamins to help ease the symptoms." Boba explained.

"And if it's not that?" Goldie asked.

"We might need a special kind of lesson plan." Omega said. "I just hope it doesn't mean I'll get trapped in a lab as a science experiment all over again."

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