Heart Times

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Featured song:

"La La Lu" by Peggy Lee (lullaby from "Lady & the Tramp)

Olivia cried as she lay in Korkie's arms one fine morning.

"Shh. Please stop crying." Korkie begged, only for Olivia fo cry louder. "Auntie? How much longer?"

Satine and Obi-Wan were in the middle of getting Olivia's bottle ready while the serving droids were gettting everyone else's breakfast ready.

Despite having servers, Satine and her husband wanted to be the ones to raise their baby. Not nannies or servants.

"Not much longer, Korkie." Satine said as the timer went off.

Obi-Wan checked the milk on his wrist.

"Just right." He confirmed. And perfect timing too, because Olivia was crying more than ever.

"Oh, come to Mommy, little one." Satine cooed, taking Olivia into her arms and starting to feed her.

"Olivia is so cute." Peppermint commented.

Korkie yawned.

"She'd be even cuter if she slept through the night." He said.

"She will... eventually." Obi-Wan said, sipping some coffee. "Olivia is only a few days old. But she'll grow, just like any other baby."

Satine kissed Olivia's little head, the little one looking so cute as she drank her milk. She felt she couldn't be haplier to have her little baby here in her arms. After a time of corruption hit her planet during the Clone War, and being taken over by Darth Maul and Death Watch, Mandalore was once again a peaceful world. Now, Satine was married to the man she'd loved since she was a teenager, and they were blessed with a beautiful baby girl.

"No matter how big she gets, she will always be our little girl."

"My mom says the same thing about me and my sisters all the time." Peppermint said.

Obi-Wan looked at his daughter. She was so beautiful with her auburn hair and sparkling blue eyes. Already, the Jedi did a midichlorian count on her, and they confirmed that she would be a great Jedi someday.

For now, Obi-Wan put a burp cloth onto his shoulder and took Olivia into his arms after she finished her breakfast.

"Such a good girl, you are. Yes." Obi-Wan smiled as he burped Olivia.

After the birth of Princess Olivia had been announced, it was all over the news that Mandalore was officially blessed with a new hope as they now had multiple heirs to the throne.

Everyday gifts were sent to the palace, and the people of Mandalore continued to voice their congratulations to the new parents. Satine welcomed the attention especially for everyone who wanted to say hello to the baby.

Even Bo-Katan, normally being the tough girl of the Kryze sisters, couldn't resist the sweetness in Olivia's little face and the wide wonder in her eyes. And she, like everyone in the family, wanted to make sure she would be kept safe. She'd come close to losing her sister so many times. There was no way she was gonna let anyone take her baby niece.

"You know, Livvy, you're gonna face a lot of pressure when you grow up." Bo said as she was currently babysitting Olivia. "You're gonna be a duchess someday, and everyone will look up to you to keep the peace around here.

Satine had a lot on her mind as of late, and it wasn't from post partum depression or hormonal imbalance. It was a wonderful dream come true to have every blessing she had in her possession now. She was a duchess who lived in a palace with great wealth, but her greatest and most precious treasure was her family.

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