A Mandalore Wedding Part 2

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Featured Song:

"This Day Aria" (colt version) from My Little Pony: A Canterlot Wedding

On the way to the cathedral, Peppermint was beginning to get a little suspicious. As she helped fly the coach with a little help from magic dust, she looked at Banjo, who was flying next to her and said,

"Banjo, have you noticed Obi-Wan is acting a little off?" Peppermint said.

"He's been awful cranky, that's fer sure." Banjo said.

"I've seen wedding jitters before, but Obi-Wan's normally so calm and collected." said Sapphire.

The horses could all sense something was very off about Obi-Wan. Some of them had been to at least a couple of their humans' weddings, and neither of the grooms acted like total jerks when they got nervous. At worst, they got sweaty or burst into a spontaneous musical number.

"I think we need to check something out." Peppermint said. "I've got an idea."

Meanwhile, Lamenta was getting a little suspicious as Obi-Wan was acting a little more pompous today. She thought him a lot of things. Polite, proper, and perfectly mannered, but he was never pompous enough to not like Peppermint showing him affection. And, I could've sworn Roya said she made Obi-Wan's outfit brown with a blue sash, not blue all over, she thought. And how would he of all people get her father and uncle mixed up, or not even seem to remember he had another Padawan?

"So, Uncle Obi-Wan..." Lamenta said. "This wedding must be a wish come true, huh?"

"Indeed." Obi-Wan said. "Don't get used to addressing me by name much longer, though, Princess. I will be duke soon."

"We're royalty before you." Lamenta crossed her arms. "You never seemed to mind me or Gabby calling you 'Uncle' since we met you."

Obi-Wan just rolled his eyes at Lamenta.

Anakin and Carmine looked at each other. Obi-Wan never rolled his eyes at anyone, not even at Anakin when he did something annoying.

Suddenly, the carriage shook.

"What in heaven's name-?!" Obi-Wan said. He looked out the carriage window and saw they were not at the cathedral. "Why are we stopping here?"

"Apologies, everyone." said Sapphire. "The restraints broke, and we won't be able to continue via carriage. We'll just have to carry all of you on our backs."

Suddenly, "Obi-Wan" looked worried.

"Ride...? To the wedding on... horses?" he said.

"Of course." Sapphire said. "You do know your own horse, don't you?"

The wedding party all exited the carriage and got onto the many horses, except for Banjo and Carousella, who left to go do a little investigating.

But, Obi-Wan walked over to Pinto.

"Good horsie." Obi-Wan said, starting to climb on the saddle, only to end up pulling Pinto's mane in the process.

"What in tarnation?!" Pinto said as Obi-Wan seemed to struggle getting on him. "Kenobi, I ain't your horse! And that's not the right way to get on me even if I were."

"Obi-Wan!" Peppermint said. "Remember me? Your horse?"

Peppermint used her horn's magic to get "Obi-Wan" onto her back.

"You seem a bit rusty today." said Peppermint.

"Oh, don't worry about me. Wedding jitters must be making me forget everything today."

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