Attack of Crescenda Part 1

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Featured songs:

Excerpts from

1. "Cool Kids" by Echosmith

2. "Go" by the McClain Sisters

3. "Lucky" by Britney Spears
A crowd of hundreds of thousands, plus millions across the galaxy streaming live from their homes cheered as the lights came up on stage in the Rocker Stadium, the biggest concert venue in the Republic. This was perhaps the biggest benefit concert of any performer's career! Thus, Esther Sitala was determined to get this introduction perfect.

"What up, everybody?" Esther smiled and waved as the crowd cheered. And she wasn't alone either.

"For those of you who don't know me, I'm Esther Sitala, and this is my little sister Memoria."

"Hello," smiled the younger princess.

"We're both so happy all of you could turn out here for this big benefit concert." Esther continued.

"As you may know," said Memoria. "We have a series of musical acts planned for tonight, and we'll be receiving money not only from your donations, but the more you cheer, the more money we receive from some anonymous donors. So be sure to cheer nice and loud. All donations we collect will go into building a new school for orphans, as well as buying new school supplies for the orphans, as well as underprivileged schools across the Galaxy. In short, a charity known as the All Star School Foundation Fund."

"So, can we count on all of you cheer extra loud tonight?"

The crowd cheered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you that time. I said, can we count on all of you cheer extra loud tonight?"

And the crowd cheered louder.

"That's more like it!" Esther said. "As many of you know, one of our musical acts will be starring none other than Inter-Galactic superstar Count Crescendo. But before he performs, we're going to do an incredible new type of show. But before that, we'd first like to introduce a very special opening act as a new band will make their debut tonight. You know most of the members... all the way from Naboo, please welcome, the children of Solaris' royal family."

The stage went dark, and lights came on to reveal The Skywalker-Jinn children. Together, they stood as a band with Boba on lead guitar, Gabby on keyboard, Omega on the drums, and Lamenta playing the bass.

"Hello, everyone." Boba said. "I'm Boba, these are my sisters Omega and Gabriella, and our cousin Lamenta. And together, we are..."

And the kids all said together... "The Sky-Jinns!"

Gabby then took a turn to speak.

"For our debut tonight, we're going to sing a very special song about feeling different from the rest." She said. "As you know, we're princesses and princes, so some may think our lives our super perfect, but the truth is, we're just like other kids... and sometimes... we feel different and unsure of ourselves."

"The truth is," said Lamenta. "We're all different, and we should be proud of that. This song is gonna be called 'Cool Kids.'"

Omega tapped her drumsticks and counted.

"One, two, three, four!"

And the song began.


She sees them walking in a straight line

That's not really her style


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