A Recipe For Friendship

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Featured song: Rip Up the Recipe from Lyle Lyle Crocodile

Strawberry was not having a ton of luck with Mace. Riding did not go so well at first, and he didn't seem too keen on having a pink horse, even if she did make his apartment smell like strawberries.

She decided to go to someone she knew had a lot of trouble with her rider. Of course, she didn't neglect to bake a sweet treat first to bring to her friends.

Meanwhile, Crosshair was doing a game of horseshoes with Maybelle. And he got five horseshoes on the stick.

"Let's see you beat that." Crosshair smirked.

Maybelle took six horseshoes onto her horn, and in one swoop without using any magic, got all of them onto the pole at the same time.

"Never underestimate the skills of a lady." Maybelle said.

"My turn!" Wrecker said, throwing a horseshoe, bit almost hitting Banjo and Echo.

"Wrecker! Be careful!" Echo said angrily.

"Am I interrupting something?" said a new voice.

"Strawberry Sundae! Howdy." Pinto said. "Long time, no see."

"Hello, Pinto." Strawberry said, coming into the corral. And she was carrying a little red tin box on her back.

"What's that?" Wrecker asked, curious about the box.

"I brought a little treat for everyone." Strawberry said. "The Cabello siblings' favorite."

Inside the tin were some oatmeal strawberry cookies.

"Help yourselves." Strawberry said.

And Wrecker didn't hesitate to dig in.


"Strawberry's the best baker in Equinaro." said Maybelle, picking up herself a cookie.

"What brings you over?" Echo asked as he and Banjo helped themselves.

"I was actually hoping to talk to Maybelle and Crosshair specifically." said Strawberry. "I have a bit of a problem."

"Who do I need to shoot?" Crosshair asked.

Strawberry shook her head. "Not that kind of problem! A problem with my rider. I got matched with a Jedi named Mace Windu."

"The grumpy one with the purple lightsaber?" Maybelle said.

"That's the one." Strawberry nodded. "He and I are having a little trouble getting along. You had trouble with your rider at first, right?"

Maybelle laughed and said, "Trouble might be a bit of an understatement. Crosshair kept playin' Hide and Seek and runnin' off. It was like trying to catch a mouse in a corn maze."

"Well, how did you get Crosshair to start coming to you and bonding with you?" Strawberry asked.

"She sang a song and got me to join in." Crosshair said. "And then we had to set a few... boundaries."

"In other words, I just had to be myself." Maybelle said. "Try showin' Mace somethin' you like doin' and get him to do it with you. With me and Crosshair, it got us to get to know each other better. Surely, it'll work for you and your rider."

"You think so?" said Strawberry.

"If there's one thing I've learned in all my time with Indira..." said Hunter, watching his horse as she did some yoga. "It's that every rider's experience with a horse is different. I didn't think I needed one either, yet Indira has proved to be just the thing I needed to help me find a better balance."

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