Truth Comes Out

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Mona slept the night away in her new bed, and was still asleep the next morning.

But meanwhile, the grownups were debating how to proceed with her. Initially, Padme thought they should talk to CPS, but then Mariposa reminded her, "Then they might find out she's a doresho gypsy. And then someone may place a bounty on her, or worse, kill her."

"Mari is right," said Susy. "But we can't just leave her alone. Someone might be looking for her."

"Garrett," said Caroline. "You work for the Commission, couldn't you talk to someone there?"

"I wish it were that simple," said Garrett. "Even the Commission has folks prejudiced towards doresho gypsies. They don't even know my wife is one."

"What creature do they think she is?" Anakin asked.

"A sorceress. But we're getting off topic."

"Maybe Tech could search the database." Carmine suggested. "He's got the smarts for it, and with R2 and Mini's help, they can find out who Mona belongs to."

"We'll talk to him about that once he wakes up." Qui-Gon said, as the Batch and the kids were still sleeping.

The conversation was ended as they heard a loud yawning, and Wrecker was walking by, still in his pajamas.

"Good morning, Wrecker." Mariposa said.


"R2, Threepio, you mind waking the kids for breakfast?" Anakin said.

R2 beeped and Threepio said it would be a pleasure.

Except, when everyone sat for breakfast, one of the droids reported they were all out of cereal.

"Aw, I really wanted Oatty Bunches for breakfast today," said Lamenta disappointed.

"How is that possible?" said Garrett. "I distinctly remember going grocery shopping only three days ago."

"There were literally fifteen boxes in the pantry yesterday," said Padme. "How could they all be gone just this morning?"

"I ate all the cereal last night when everyone went to sleep." Wrecker blurted out. Then he was confused. "Why did I just say that?"

"You ate over a dozen boxes of cereal?" Omega gasped.

Wrecker burped really loudly as if on cue to answer.

The others knew Wrecker had a big appetite; they weren't sure who ate more, him or just one of the horses.

"Wrecker, why would you do that?" Susy said. "We talked about you controlling your eating habits."

"I was starving after the mission." Wrecker said. "And I used Tech's toothbrush by accident too. Why did I just say that?"

Suddenly, Tech was gagging and looked like he was going to throw up after hearing that his brother used his toothbrush, knowing Wrecker didn't tend to floss, and with how he would eat almost anything, who knows what's been in his mouth.

"You really shouldn't wear yellow, Dad." said Carmine, looking at his father's new yellow robes. "They don't do your complexion justice."

Now Carmine was confused.

"I thought you told me they looked good when I got them." Qui-Gon said, self-consciously feeling his jacket.

Carmine wasn't going to say anything else, but suddenly it felt like he had no control over his mouth, and he spoke again.

"I lied to spare your feelings. And why am I suddenly saying this stuff?"

"I've been watching Stranger Things late at night on Dad's tablet!" Boba blurted out, then slapped a hand over his mouth.

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