Miss Fortune Part 3

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Kara quickly had the Clone twins board the Marauder and head for a familiar set of coordinates. Right now, the only ones who knew this area were Omega and Boba, but to play it safe they had Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker accompany them.

The Marauder landed on a familiar island called Fluit Glacium, where they would find the caves of ice.

As the crew exited the ship, Wrecker carried Boba in hos arms the whole way, and didn't put him down.

"Why does Wrecker need to be carrying me?" Boba whined.

"So you aren't falling down every five minutes when your legs transform again." Kara explained.

As if on cue, Boba's legs transformed into a tail at that moment.

"Like that."

And then Wrecker dropped Boba on the ground with a thud.


"Oops! Sorry." Wrecker blushed.

"Wrecker!" Kara scolded.

"What? He's slippery when he turns into a fish."

Boba changed his legs back and dusted himself off, ultimately deciding he'd be better off trying something else. Handstanding.

"I could just get around like this." Boba said, walking on his hands, making Omega and Wrecker laugh.

"Won't it be difficult getting around upside down?" Tech pointed out.

"Gabby and I have played tag on the ceiling lots of times. I'm used to being upside down."

"So that's why I kept hearing footsteps above us at the Temple." Kara said with realization.

With Boba, Kara, and Omega guiding the rest of the group, the search party went through the cave and followed a familiar river down to where they found some crystals of ice. Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech were curious as they looked into some crystals, and when they touched the water, they each saw a memory form in front of them.

Tech's first date with Mila, Wrecker when he first got Lula as a child, and Hunter when Omega tackled him for her first game of Tigger Tag. All wonderful memories.

"So, this is the magical river King Qui-Gon sings about?" Hunter asked, seeing that memory.

"Indeed, it is. Father sang that very same song to me a few times when I was a little girl." Kara said. "I didn't understand at the time, but he always told me it was essential I forget not a single lyric of that song. And as of last year, I know why."

"This was the same river that helped us find out how to defeat Lady Morpha before Omega and I earned our powers." Boba said. "I don't know how, but somehow, Queen Serafina's spirit knew we'd be the right one's to be the keepers of the power to start the spell."

Boba approached the river and scooped a little water in his hands to ask it for answers.

"River of memory, we have a big problem. A dangerous woman who calls herself Ms. Fortune has been spreading bad luck all around, and we need to know... how was she defeated the last time she wreaked havoc?"

Everyone waited to see what the water would do, and it glowed to show a memory of the last time Ms. Fortune was free and spreading bad luck. She'd captured someone with power to make rainbows and attempted to use what gold and jewels she stole to turn herself into an invincible sorcerer of good luck. But, before she could cast the spell, Enchantran guardians came along and unleashed a bunch of ladybugs to distract Ms. Fortune, while some botanical nymphs grew bamboo and four-leaf clovers all around, and then seven horses, each with at least one color of the rainbow on their coat or in their manes: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Together, the seven horses marched around Ms. Fortune and chanted a chant of good fortune that weakened her power, and then seven gold coins were flipped over the horses and into the circle by Ms. Fortune with an incantation. And just like that, Ms. Fortune collapsed with exhaustion, giving the authorities time to take her pyrite coins and put her in gold cuffs, the only cuffs that kept a meabluchan too weak to even struggle. And once she was defeated, every pyrite coin she flipped lost its power wherever it was, and turned to dust, taking all the bad luck with it.

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