Once Upon a Time

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A long time ago in a magical galaxy far, far away...

When we last met our friends in the Skywalker-Jinn family, their family had gotten even bigger with the additions of the twins Luke and Leia and Boba's long-lost twin sister Omega. After battling a Doresho Gypsy by the name of Grayolanda Morphina, referred by most as Lady Morpha, who sought to take over Solaris and the rest of the galaxy by stealing all the most powerful magic from its holders and enslaving anyone who got in her way, the old Jedi Temple she destroyed was restored better than ever. Everyone thought that meant they were finally going to live happily ever after in peace, but they didn't know that a new evil was hiding somewhere deep within.

In a hidden castle, there sat a woman in a dark cloak with green gloves. She held a black moth in her hand. A magical moth created by the late Grayolanda Morphina.

Normal moths, they wouldn't last long, but this was a moth induced with dark magic, which didn't die so easily of natural causes.

"All that stolen magic, and she still couldn't defeat one child without magic of his own." said the woman. "Now that she is out of the picture, it's time to show the galaxy the true most powerful being in Enchantra."

In another part of her castle, the woman walked past a portrait of a family with three daughters, and she ended herwalk in another room filled with silver butterflies.

"If one truly wants to take over Solaris, it will take the power of its royal family. But first, I must get the royal family at their weakest points, and collect some relics."

It was known throughout Enchantra history that the kingdom of Solaris, while it was mostly famous for its dedication to the lights of day and rising above the darkness, was also known for being the birthplace of many powerful magical relics made to protect the kingdom and its people, but like any artifact intended for good, they could also be used for malicious intent if let into the wrong hands. That was exactly why this woman wanted to get her hands on whichever relics she could uncover.

And the figure saw only one way to do that.

"Grayolanda made the mistake of coming out to do her crimes." said the figure, looking in a book of spells she'd been practicing and experimenting with. "Unlike her, no Enchanted knows I exist, and therefore, pinning my doings on another will be easy as pie. Now that I have finally perfected my spell of creating mariclavas to transform my victims into powerful villains at my control, I shall claim my place on the throne very soon. But who to victimize first?"

The figure looked into a magic mirror and asked it to show her where the royal family would be.

" Mirror, Mirror, show to me, the future of where Solaris royals shall be."

And the mirror showed her a headline of a royal wedding that was to occur very soon. A Mandalore royal wedding.

The invitation read:

To our family and friends of this peaceful world,

You are hereby cordially invited to witness the marriage of her Grace Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore to Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi

"Oh, so the royal family is going to a wedding, are they?" said the figure. "Well, let's just see who has the biggest motive to attend this wedding and make a little change."

The figure did a bit of research. It turned out the Duchess made quite a few enemies with Death Watch, so she decided to look amongst the highest ones in power and their motivations until she picked who she believed was just the right one for the job.

The figure held one of the silver butterflies in her hand and turned it green and black.

"Fly away my little mariclava, and seize control of him." sneered the figure as she sent her green butterfly off into the wind to victimize someone.

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