Love Power Up

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Featured songs:

1. "Stadium Rave" from Spongebob

2. "Love Power (Reprise)" from Disenchanted

3. "Know Who You Are" from Moana

It was a real shock to everyone to learn Mariverde inherited her very same power from her father. Unlike his daughter, however, Constantine used this power for good, and only entrusted powers to those good of heart, and took back the power either following completion of the mission, or when he found the user abusing the power. For reasons not fully known, Constantine felt responsible for Mariverde turning out the way she did, but he said that was another story for another time. For now, they had to save the twins.

Gabby felt sure she could do this herself, but Remix insisted he come along. Constantine, of course, warned them that although he hadn't seen his other two daughters in a longer time than he'd apart from Mariposa, facing dark moth magic was no joke. All the powerflies would do was give them a boost to fighting the moths.

So, while Anakin went to the Temple and Constantine and Estrella got in contact with anyone he could for help, Gabby and Remix took on their roles of Snowflake and Soundwave.

Gabby's hero suit looked like an icy blue winter outfit that normally would've made her sweat like a pig under the current weather conditions, but surprisingly it actually kept her cool as a cucumber. As for Remix, his headphones and the jumpsuit he wore were mostly black made colorfully bright with neon lights of different colors. Both of them even had matching masks.

"What exactly did the mariclavas land on again?" Gabby, or rather Snowflake, asked.

"One on Omega's hair clip, two more on Boba's pom poms." Remix, or rather Soundwave, said.

"I guess Mariverde's moths can't clavatize pairs of things. Not unless they're touching when they land anyway. In other words, if we're gonna free Boba, we gotta destroy both pom poms."

"That's pretty clear."

"So, what do you know about the powers they were given?"

Remix only knew Omega had to be the one to get the heat making magic, given that she already had light based magic. He wasn't sure exactly how Boba's dark power worked.

"I only know that if he's still holding his pom poms, it might have something to do with cheerleading."

Snowflake then looked ahead and saw something terrifying.

"Or fear leading?"

"Fear leading?" Soundwave said, confused... until he looked ahead and saw a scary clown terrorizing children, a giant spider wrapping people like flies in a giant web, and gundarks and battle droids chasing other citizens, and the heat only seemed to provoke some of the beasts, as well as make it harder for people to run from them. That was when Snowflake noticed giant magnifying glasses and mirrors all around that had to be the cause of the spreading heat.

According to one of Garrett's lessons, dark spells could increase heat by making lava flow, stopping rain and snow, even making giant magnifying glasses, but they had no power over the suns themselves. Hence, that might have explained all the glasses and why Omega's original power didn't seem to be used in any way.

"Wait a minute," said Remix. "Last time everyone's worst fears came to life, it was just pesadilas, right?"

"Yeah, except pesadilas can't survive in sunlight," said Gabby. "and there's almost as much sunlight as Tatooine."

"And it's nearly that temperature, judging by the smoking engines."

"HELP!" screamed another voice.

That was when the two heroes noticed a rollercoaster that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, and they saw Master Koth trapped on it. If Gabby recalled correctly, Eeth was terrified of roller coasters! That one time Padme had him and Master Fisto take Gabby and Boba to the carnival a few years back, he was not hesitant to take the job of watching Gabby since she was too little to get on the big roller coasters.

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