Family Fights Together

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Obi-Wan took a speeder and headed on his way to find his daughter. He could sense through the Force a dark presence calling to him. Find Maul and Savage, and he would find Olivia. And he was going at it alone. He didn't even take Peppermint with him.

Years ago, Obi-Wan had lost his old master, who was like a father to him for as long as he could remember. Then, he nearly lost his wife and so many others he loved. He wasn't willing to gamble with any of their lives. This was his baby they were talking about, and as the father of this baby, he believed it was his job go be able to protect her and rescue her on his own.

"Don't worry, Olivia. Daddy's coming."

Meanwhile, Gabby couldn't concentrate as the teacher was giving lessons in school. She couldn't stop thinking about Obi-Wan and Olivia. She knew Obi-Wan made her promise not to tell anyone about this, but she didn't know what she was supposed to do.

Obi-Wan was a powerful Jedi, but he couldn't face two Sith on his own. It had taken a group of several people to defeat just Maul when he'd taken over Mandalore.

Gabby needed to find a way to get help without breaking her promise to Obi-Wan. She sent Lamenta a mind message through the Force.

Does it count as me telling anyone something if you truth scan what's on my mind and then you tell others what you found? Gabby asked through their bond.

Not technically. Why? Lamenta asked.

Because there's an emergency and Uncle Obi-Wan made me promise not to tell anyone else.

While the teacher was writing on the board, Lamenta touched Gabby's wrist and looked into her mind, finding a very shocking truth in her. And then, Gabby asked the teacher if she could go to the restroom.

"Don't forget to take the hall pass." said Ms. Deera.

"Yes, Ms. Deera."

And while Gabby was in the bathroom, she got out her phone and called an old friend of hers.

"Hi, Queen Griselda. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind getting in touch with Zilly?"

Meanwhile, Obi-Wan followed the Force trail to Naboo.

Oh no...Obi-Wan panicked. This was where the royal family was! And the children! But they were all in separate places. How was he going to protect them? And to make things worse...

...his clava detector was glowing. And then Obi-Wan started thinking. If the Sith took Olivia... Luke and Leia were probably next!

And so, Obi-Wan rushed as fast as he could to the palace, where he found Padme with the babies, perfectly safe with Shmi and Mariposa.

"Padme, where are Kara, the oldest twins, and Qui-Gon?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Carmine and Susy took Caroline to a doctor's appointment, Kara went to the Temple, and Anakin and Qui-Gon had to go with the Batch to Elementara for something they couldn't tell me about." Padme said.

"Why do you seem so worried?" Shmi asked.

Obi-Wan was unsure what to say at first. He knew if he told Padme what happened, she might tell Anakin and he and possibly Qui-Gon would try to help and put their lives at risk. But if he didn't, how would she protect her own babies?

And that was when Mariposa noticed Obi-Wan's bracelet was glowing.

"Who was clavatized this time?" Mariposa asked.

Obi-Wan was hesitant to answer.

"Obi-Wan?" Padme said.

"I don't know for sure, but I have a terrible hunch that it was Darth Maul and Savage Oppress."

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