Rock Heartbreaker Part 2

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The Naboo Palace was currently empty of its royal family, as they had already headed over to the Naberrie home for the Valentine's Day gathering they were having, when Mace and Strawberry Sundae arrived, looking for them!

"Anakin! Carmine! Gabriella! Anyone?!" Mace exclaimed.

Strawberry looked around. Neither the Skywalkers nor the Jinns appeared to be home. Not even the Bad Batch or any of the horses were home.

"I don't think they're home." Strawberry said.

Mace decided to ask one of the guards if they knew where the royal family was, and made sure to mention that it was an emergency.

"They've gone to the Naberrie house for a gathering." said the guard.

"Then that's where we'll go." Strawberry said, and she let Mace onto her back so they could make their way to the Naberrie home.

Meanwhile, things were going fine at the Naberrie Valentine Party.

There were lots of sweet refreshments, which Wrecker and the horses didn't hesitate to dig into.

"Wrecker, slow down!" Padme said, seeing Wrecker hogging more brownies. "You'll give yourself a tummy ache."

"But these are so good." Wrecker said, devouring another one.

"I don't know who's a messier eater," said Boba. "Wrecker or Dad."

Even the Heartwoods joined in the festivities. Goldie had not been to a lot of parties, and she was so happy to get a glimpse of the Naberries' lovely home by the lake. The Skywalker kids' maternal grandparents found her just adorable.

And Gabby wasted no time doing her favorite Valentine's Day tradition. Going around and hugging everyone. Although, she did that every day. But what made it different in this case was wishing everyone Happy Valentine's Day.

Tech couldn't stop smiling as he held the finished ring in his hands.

"It's so beautiful." Sola said. "Whoever she is, she's one lucky girl."

"I hope she believes she is." Tech said.

"What's her name?"

"Milagro. I call her Mila. Everyone does."

"She sounds lovely."

"Oh, she is. Inside and out. A perfect combination of brains and beauty. It's as though there is nothing she cannot do."

While the grownups were talking, the younger kids went outside to play in the yard with Diamond and the other horses.

"I got the ball!" Lamenta called, throwing it to Pooja.

But while the kids were playing, something musically magical was going about on Naboo.

And then Gabby was calling for the ball to be thrown to her.

"I'm open!" Gabby called, waving her arms, when she suddenly heard a song.

Can you feel the love tonight?

Soon it's where you'll be

When you hear my rock song of love

You'll love the next you see

And suddenly, Gabby felt an odd sensation running through her body as she was under a spell. Inconveniently, Hunter and Crosshair came out to tell the girls that their parents wanted them to come inside for a family game.

Gabby saw Hunter before she saw anyone else, and her eyes were shaped like hearts. So were all the other girls' with the exception of Goldie.

"Anything for you, Hunter." Gabby sighed dreamily.

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