Comedic Coronation Prep

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Plans and preparations were in full swing at the palace of Equinaro.

In just a few weeks, a coronation celebration would take place, as Equinaro was getting a new princess.

She was born a royal lady, the daughter of a duke and duchess. But her parents' true colors were exposed this past Heartmas to the queen herself and her immediate family.

The Evermares were once the highest of the high society families in all Equinaro, being the closest relatives of the royal family. A very posh yet respected bunch. Except, no one knew just how abusive they truly were.

No one... except for the youngest daughter, Comedia Adira Evermare-Mundi, newly adopted by Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi.

From the moment she was born, Comedia was, well... different from the rest of her family.

For the longest time, there had been no silly-corns in the royal family. Reigna and her middle child Dream Heart were corazicorns, a unicorn whose magic specialized in matters of the heart, the oldest daughter Fantasia was a beauty-corn, as her magic specialized in making inner beauty visible to the eyes, and the youngest child Forsythia was a botani-corn, a unicorn who specialized in plants. It was uncertain what kind of unicorn Gentry Evermare was. The only time he ever used magic was when he picked things up. But whatver his type, his youngest daughter was not like him.

Gentry and Cordelia Evermare had not even married for love. They'd both sought a matchmaker, who matched them based on their tastes for high class and stature. And they had two daughters. One thing that was for sure, while they acted politely around Reigna and her family, they were actually very disagreeable, posh, arrogant, and quite obnoxious too. Their oldest daughter, Emeraldi, was just as mean and just as disagreeable (at least to Comedia's knowledge), and a diva at that. But their younger daughter was very different.

When Comedia was born, her parents were shocked when they saw her mane was two colors. Now, most ponies in Equinaro did have multi-colored manes, but orange and yellow were not a common combo. So, Comedia's parents did a blood test and found that Comedia was most likely to develop silly-corn magic, to their dismay.

Silly-corns were notoriously know to act pretty ridiculously. It was in their nature to make people smile and laugh. But, for a posh family like the Evermares, the last thing they wanted was somepony to make them a laughingstock or bring any humor into their home. As you might've guessed, humor was frowned upon in the Evermare home. Telling jokes was outlawed, clowns were banned from birthdays, and if you even thought to so much as giggle, you would get forty lashes.

So, Gentry and Cordelia did everything they could to prevent Comedia from ever pursuing comedy by making her afraid of it. Scary clown movies, exposing her to bleeding pranks, and basically traumatizing her on purpose when she was a small filly. But, their efforts to suppress her comedic side only sealed the deal for her becoming a big-time jokester.

Because Comedia had her humorous side suppressed for so long, the moment she got her first joy buzzer, she went on a pranking spree, starting with her sister, to whom her parents compared her all the time and humiliated her with. Comedia felt hurt that her parents and her sister didn't respect or accept her as she was, and even worse that they compared her to her sister all the time, and no one seemed to notice or even care that Comedia didn't feel safe or happy going home after school or a visit to the royal palace.

And as if that weren't bad enough, Comedia's parents tried to give her to someone else. They figured if they couldn't control her or tame her, someone else could. They gave her to any high society family they found who wanted a new pony. But, Comedia was a lot smarter than her parents ever gave her credit for. She knew her parents would not care if the riders loved her or took care of her. She knew they just wanted her "fixed." Already, she'd kept herself from having to go to finishing school by scaring the headmistress with a fake snake in her tea. And she already figured out how to get out of staying with bad riders too.

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