A Family Keeps Growing

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Anakin hugged Omega tightly when he saw her again. After hearing the mission involved slavers, you can bet he really gave the squad an earful for not telling him about this, and for bringing his oldest daughter in the middle of it all.

"And the way you're responding now is exactly why we didn't tell you." Hunter said.

"You're just lucky Omega didn't get hurt or enslaved!" Anakin said, holding his daughter close, practically squishing her into his side.

"Dad!" Omega cried. "I can't breathe!"

"Omega, no more mission involving slavery, do you understand?" Anakin said.

"I'm not a little girl, Dad. I made it out alive."

"And you got lucky. Slavers are no joke. You haven't spent as much time with them as I have." Anakin said, getting dramatic. "Go get washed up, Omega. Your mother won't like seeing you filthy like this when she gets home tonight."

Omega sighed and went to go get washed up as her father told her.

As for Carmine, he didn't hesitate to introduce Susy to his twin.

"Anakin, this is Susy Lamura, my adoptive mother I've told you about." Carmine introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Anakin said, shaking hands with Susy.

"It's an honor, Master Skywalker." Susy said.

Carmine also introduced Susy to his other nieces and nephews, and then to his birth parents. Of course, Susy was shocked when she saw them alive.

"I thought your parents were dead." Susy said.

"Long story short, Gabby found a rarely used spell, one that brings the dead to life, and she brought them back, but those are two separate stories for another time."

Qui-Gon and Shmi approached Susy, who bowed to the king and queen.

Qui-Gon took Susy's hand and personally thanked her for looking after his son. Shmi was thankful as well.

"I can't thank you enough for helping Carmine to achieve his dreams," said Shmi. "And most importantly, for being his mother when I couldn't."

"You're welcome, Your Majesties." said Susy. "Carmine is a very special young man. He really earned the title of valedictorian when he graduated music school. And I feel so blessed to have gotten to raise and love him. But... now he has his real mother."

Carmine looked at Susy, then he hugged her and said, "And you're still my mother too. You loved me and raised me as your own even though we're not even the same species or related in any way. That more than qualifies you as my mother."

And of course, Susy was so happy to see Caroline again.

"I can't tell you how happy I am to see you again after all these years, Susy." Caroline smiled.

"You haven't changed a bit, Caroline." said Susy. "You're still as beautiful as I remember. Only... now you're not pregnant."

And then she saw the little girl beside her daughter-in-law and gasped.

"Is that... your baby?"

Caroline picked up her daughter and introduced her.

"This is Lamenta. We named her after my grandmother."

"Granny!" Lamenta said happily, hugging her long-lost grandmother.

"You and Carmine did good, Caroline." said Susy, hugging her beautiful granddaughter. She couldn't believe how big she was now. "She's beautiful. I know Nicholas and Kathleen would've loved to meet her."

"I know they would've." Caroline sighed sadly, thinking of her parents. "But we have come a long way since her birth."

"Mom, brace yourself." Carmine said.

Carmine showed Susy some recordings of Count Crescendo's best music videos. Susy was impressed by all the dance moves and all the hit songs Crescendo had, and all the merchandise he had on the market all across the galaxy. And she was filled with even more disbelief when Carmine transformed his hair and his outfit to become Count Crescendo.

"My son, a famous singing superstar." Susy cried tears of happiness. "You always had big dreams, and you made them come true. And I wasn't there to see it."

"I didn't alone, though." Carmine said. "Caroline was my manager the whole time, and I always had her and Lamenta to remind me of where I came from. Thanks to them, I was able to avoid catching Fame Fever. Eventually, it led me to being called to perform at Naboo's Festival of Light where I found my brother Anakin and his children, then eventually Dad was revived, a lot of other stuff happened, and now we live here in the palace."

Carmine and Caroline also showed Susy some photo albums they had of their tours across the galaxy and some videos of Lamenta growing up from when she was a little baby.

Naturally, Susy couldn't help but fall in love with how adorable Lamenta was as a baby.

"I only wish I could've been there to see her as a baby." Susy said.

"Actually, I think you'll have another chance to meet a grandchild as a baby sooner than you think." Caroline said.

Carmine was confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Caroline smiled and took out a stick that gave Carmine a slight sense of deja vu. And when he looked at it, he practically fainted.

"D-does Lamenta or anyone else know?" Carmine asked frantically.

Caroline shook her head.

"Not yet. I wanted to tell you before we announced it to the rest of the family."

Carmine was so happy to hear this news. He kissed his wife passionately and affectionately rubbed her stomach, ecstatic for the new miracle their family would soon have.

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