Rock Heartbreaker Part 3

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Myra seduced the guard into bringing her to the Naboo Palace Treasury.

"Good, my little slave." said Rock Heartbreaker. "Now, open the safe."

"Of course, my love." said the guard.

"Don't even think about it!" Qui-Gon exclaimed. "The crown jewels are off limits."

"Surrender now, Rock Heartbreaker!" Carmine said, shouting as his ears were still covered.

"You don't have to yell. I'm right here." said the villain.

"What?" Carmine said.

Rock Heartbreaker shook her head. "I'm surrounded by idiots. Oh, love. These two are trying to stop me."

So, the guard took out his blaster and attempted to strike Qui-Gon and Carmine. But Qui-Gon shot out a protective shield while Carmine went after Rock Heartbreaker, who played a loud rift and blasted him across the hall.

Gabby wrote down everything they knew about the problem. They knew Myra got clavatized when she saw her father proposing to her mother, and there was obviously a reason that upset her. Gabby knew a few kids in school whose parents were divorced or separated, and most of them would give anything to see their parents get back together. And for a few of them, their parents did eventually reconcile after seeing a marriage counselor, and that made them happier than they'd ever been. Myra, however, acted the complete opposite.

For some kids Gabby knew, it was a good thing their parents split, as one of them proved verbally or physically abusive or plain negligent of their marriage and/or the children. But she knew Mace, and although he could be kinda grumpy sometimes, he was still a good guy. He'd babysat her a few times, and he proved he knew how to look after kids. But... Myra did not know Mace like Gabby did. All she saw was a man who gained an iffy reputation as a Jedi and who was never there to raise her, and maybe that was precisely the problem!

"Maybe we're going about this all wrong." Gabby said.

The others were confused.

"What do you mean?" Shmi asked.

"This all started because Myra was angry at Mace. And music is her best form of expression too. She feels unheard, she feels like her truth hasn't been heard or seen, so she plays her music really loud because she feels like it's the only way to get anyone to pay attention. Think about it. When I was smaller, and I was really upset, I would sometimes throw a loud tantrum with a lot of screaming. Or when Boba got upset when the old coach wouldn't let him on the cheer squad, and he started playing his guitar really loudly."

Mace started to think about what Gabby was saying, and it made sense. Most people did tend to get loud when they were angry, and a good hypothesis for why that was might have been because they felt unheard, and they felt that being as loud as possible would make people hear them so they could fix the problem, as well as get that extra energy and adrenaline out.

And Myra seemed to have a lot of rage within her. According to Brenda, Myra had a personality that was a mix of sassy, sarcastic, a lover of trends and rock, but definitely deep when it came to emotions and music. But she was also pretty set once she made up her mind about something; it could be very difficult to get her to change it. That was something she'd gotten from her father, that Mace knew.

When Mace proposed to Brenda, he thought it would be a good solution because he'd wanted to show he was willing and intending to vow to stand by Brenda and have a family with her. Except, from Myra's point of view, it was a way of trapping her with the very cause of so many of her problems, and someone who had it in his head that he could undo the damage by offering material gifts and using other men's daughters as messengers.

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