Year Seven: The Deathly Hallows Pt 1 pt 7

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(Sorry that this one is short. This one is meant to be a reunion between Jason and Hermione)

*After a while, Bryce exited out of the tent to speak to us.*

Bryce: He should be alright. Best you give him rest before he wakes up.

Harry: Thanks, Bryce.

*He nods and we head back into the tent. Bryce stops me though.*

Bryce: Oh and Harry. Your wand.

*He hands me my wand. It's all fixed up. Good as new even.*

Harry: Thanks.

Bryce: Not every day I get to fix a wizard's wand. Good day, Harry.

Harry: Bryce?

*He turned around.*

Harry: Be careful.

*He smiled and nodded. He then carried on. I entered back into the tent to see Hermione sitting by Jason's side. Ron and Alexa walked over to work on drawing again. I decided to watch.*

Ron: Then you want to carefully make an outline.

Alexa: You mean like this?

*She draws an outline carefully but messes up, which got Ron to chuckle.*

Ron: It's alright. It happens. Here. I'll show you.

*He takes his wand and makes an outline. I walk over to Hermione this time and sit next to her. I look closely at Jason's scarred body.*

Hermione: I thought he would've healed by now.

Harry: Maybe it's taking longer than expected.

Hermione: No. Because when Zero shot him, his healing was faster than ever.

*I found it odd as well. I guess we'll solve that later.*

(Jason POV)

*I groaned a bit and woke up...The first thing I see is Hermione, face down, next to me. I gently caress her hair and she wakes up. She looks up and sees me awake. She brings a hand to my head and strokes it.*

Hermione: Hey.

Jason: Hey.

Hermione: How are you feeling?

Jason: Like shit...

*I started to chuckle a bit but coughed in the process. Hermione gets a napkin and wipes some of the blood off my lip.*

Jason: Thanks.

Hermione: ...Why did you come back? After so long?

*I slowly sat up and looked at her.*

Jason: Because I've been running from my fears...being a monster, a killer, an outlaw...and someone who could've killed the one person he loved. You...

*She cupped my cheek.*

Hermione: But you didn't. I'm still here.

Jason: But I felt like I was going to lose you because of what I did. And because of me, Dumbledore's gone...

Hermione: No. Don't start blaming yourself, Jason. It's not your fault Dumbledore is gone. What's done is done. It was Snape who killed him. 

Jason: I know...but you weren't there to see what happened. I was being called out by Adam...he wanted to fight me. Because of my reckless actions, I jumped down and fought him. 

Hermione: Jason stop. It's okay...stop blaming yourself for things that you couldn't control.

*She was right. I couldn't be any more thankful to her.*

Hermione: I'm going to go find the others. Do you need anything?

Jason: Maybe some water.

Hermione: Okay, I'll be right back.

*I stopped her by holding her hand. My hand then instinctively went to her stomach. I still had flashbacks to when I hurt her. Her hand was then on top of mine.* 

Hermione: Dumbledore's magic was able to stop the bleeding, but I had to be taken to Madame Pomfrey for stitches. After a while, they were removed.

*I nodded. And I looked up at her.*

Jason: Hermione, that day, it wasn't me...I just saw red.

Hermione: I know, love...I know.

*She cupped my cheek, kissed my head, and then went to get some water. I laid back down to get some rest.*

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now