Year Three: The Prisoner of Azkaban pt 8

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*Today was Buckbeak's execution. I wasn't ready for this day. I know Alexa and Hermione weren't either. As we walked out of the castle to visit Hagrid, we saw the Executioner sharpening his blade. He grinned at us, I glared at him. I held Hermione's hand when I noticed she was starting to tear up.* 

Hermione: I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak. It's just too horrible.

Jason: And it just got worse.

*The five of us spotted Malfoy and his buddies. Hermione walked up to them. Uh oh.*

Draco: What did I say? Father said...I can keep the hippogriff's head. I'll donate it to the Gryffindors' room. This is going to be rich.

Crabbe: Look who's here.

Malfoy: Ah, come to see the show?

Hermione: You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!

*She pointed her wand at him, threatening to curse or hex him.*

Ron: Hermione, no! He's not worth it.

*She kept her wand steady and pointed it at him. I walked up to her and placed my hand on her arm. Lowering it.*

Jason: Hermione...

*She looked at me shocked, but understood. She backed away and Malfoy started chuckling.*

Malfoy: I knew she wouldn't do it. She's hiding behind her freak boyfriend. That filthy little-

*I turned and socked him in the face. He fell right onto his ass holding his nose.*

Crabbe: Malfoy, are you okay?

Malfoy: Let's go.

*They ran away and Hermione walked up to me, checking my hand. It hurt but it felt good to finally punch that son of a bitch in the face.*

Hermione: You okay?

Jason: Yeah. I'll be alright. That felt good to get out of my system.

Ron: Not good, brilliant.

*I smirked at Ron's enthusiasm. Harry, Alexa, and Ron went up ahead while Hermione checked my hand.*

Hermione: Are you sure it's alright?

Jason: I'm okay, Hermione. I promise.

Hermione: I know. But, just in case.

*She then kissed my hand as if to make it better. I couldn't help but chuckle. We smiled at each other and joined Harry and the others at the hut.*

Hagrid: Look at him. Loves the smell of the trees when the wind blows through them.

Harry: Why don't we just set him free?

Hagrid: They'd know it was me, and then Dumbledore...would get into trouble. He's coming down, Dumbledore. Says he wants to be with me when they...When it happens. Great man, Dumbledore. A great man.

*Alexa sadly drank her tea. I placed my hand on her shoulder, and Hermione got up.*

Hermione: We'll stay with you too.

Hagrid: You'll do no such thing! Think I want you seeing something like that? No. You just drink your tea and be off. Oh. Before you do, Ron...

*Hagrid walked over to a jar and opened the lid. In his hands was Scabbers. Ron couldn't believe it.*

Ron: Scabbers! You're alive!

Hagrid: Keep a closer eye on your pet.

Jason: I think you owe someone an apology, Ron.

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now