Year Five: The Order of The Phoenix pt 10

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*I chased Harry down the hall as he was going after Bellatrix. She was taunting him.*

Bellatrix: I killed Sirius Black. *Cackles.* You coming to get me? 

Harry: Crucio. 

*His spell hit Bellatrix and she fell to the ground. I grabbed him and tried to stop him. I held him in a reverse bear hug. He was struggling.* 

Harry: Get off!

Jason: This isn't what Sirius would want.

Harry: I don't care, she killed him!

Jason: I know! But you can't, Harry.

*He then headbutts me in the face. He then points his wand at me. I could see the anger in his eyes. So I didn't bother cause I know he wouldn't hurt his friend.*

Jason: think you can do it, then let me assist you.

*I raised my arms out to the sides and Harry looked like he was struggling. Just then, behind him was Voldemort. He turned around and Voldemort forced him to toss his wand away.*

Voldemort: So weak. 

*From behind me, came my dad. I didn't want to fight him but I had to. So I got my claws out. He rushed towards me with anger and hatred. He and I went back and forth with the attacks. He was gaining the upper hand and I fell to the ground. He was going to stab me repeatedly until Alexa came over and stopped him. She placed her hands on his head and forced him to fall to the ground.*

Alexa: Why is it I gotta save your arse all the time, Jason?

Jason: Gee, I wonder.

*I got up and looked at him. Alexa kneeled down and placed her hands on his temple.*

Alexa: His mind got warped. I can fix it.

*She closed her eyes and concentrated. When it was over which felt like more than 15 seconds, he shot his eyes open and shot up. I placed my hand on his shoulder.*

Jason: Dad. Calm down. It's alright.

*He was breathing heavily and his eye color was slowly starting to come back. He then looked at me.*

Logan: J-Jason?

Jason: Hey Dad.

*I helped him up and he immediately hugged me. My dad was alive, and he's back to himself.*

Logan: I...I thought I was.

Jason: Dead...Yeah, so did I...but I'm glad you're back.

*Dad smiled and then looked over at Alexa.*

Logan: Alexa Potter, right?

*Alexa smiled.*

Alexa: Yes, Mr. Kyler.

*Dad smiled back.*

Logan: I'm sure your mother would be very proud of you.

Voldemort: Logan.

*We looked over at Voldemort.*

Logan: Voldemort.

Voldemort: Such a disappointment. Avada Kedavra!

*It hit him. Not again! Dad was on the ground. He placed a hand on my shoulder.*

Logan: I'll tell your said...hi...

*And just like that, he was gone...I broke down in tears... Just then, from the fireplace, someone walked out of it. It was Dumbledore!*

Dumbledore: It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way.

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now