Year One: The Sorcerers Stone pt 7

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(Alexa POV)

*It is Christmas morning. Salem pounces on my bed with a little "Meow"*

Alexa: Good Morning Salem, let's go see the gang.

*I grab my gown and then carry Salem in my arms to go visit Oliver, Ron, Harry, and Jason. Inside the Gryffindor Common Room, it was empty, other than Jason sleeping on the couch. That was weird, why would he sleep on the couch? Oh well. The boys must be asleep still. I knock on the Boys' dorm room. The door opens to reveal Oliver.*

Oliver: Mornin, Alex

Alexa: Mornin, Ollie. Happy Christmas.

*I smile as Salem meows. Just a few minutes later after Harry and Ron got up, Professor McGonagall came down to the common room.*

McGonagall: Merry Christmas to you all.

Alexa: Good Morning and Merry Christmas to you too, Professor.

McGonagall: *hands a letter with a little box.* I've been waiting for the right time to give this to you but I was wondering if we could have a one-to-one private talk in my office later with just you and Harry?

*Harry looks at me and then back at McGonagall.*

Harry: Is there a problem, Professor?

McGonagall: No, it's nothing serious. It's just there's something that I think you both should know...

*Harry nods and he and I follow her to her office. I'm a little concerned and turn to Harry.*

Alexa: I wonder what she wants to tell us that's so important...

Harry: I don't know. But whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be okay.

*After a bit of walking, we arrived at McGonagall's office.*

Alexa: Okay Professor, what did you want to tell us?

McGonagall: You two might want to sit down for what I'm about to say.

*Harry and I take a seat.*

McGonagall: Alexa, do you remember anything about your birth parents?

Alexa: What are you talking about? My birth parents are the Fitzgeralds.

McGonagall: I'm afraid you are wrong, you see you're adopted by them... Your real parents are Lily and James Potter. This would make you both Siblings, I'm not allowed to tell you anything more except from the letter that I gave you...I'm very sorry that you two had to find out this way..

*Harry and I looked at each other shocked and surprised.*

Harry: I-I'm

Alexa: I-I have a brother?

*Harry looked back at McGonagall.*

Harry:'s this possible?

*I then pass the letter Professor McGonagall gave me to Harry.*

Alexa: Here, read this. Maybe it'll explain to us why our own mother separated us...

*Harry takes a look at the letter.*

Harry: doesn't say...

Alexa: Professor, explain, please?

McGonagall: Very well, Harry you remember what Hagrid explained to you about your mother and father right?

Harry: Yeah. They were killed by V- You-know-who.

McGonagall: Correct, but you two were born six months apart so You-Know-Who never known that Lily and James gave birth to their very first born. So they gave their first born up for adoption to have a normal Muggleborn life. They were devastated but they figured it would have been the only way to keep their children safe.

Harry: They gave her up?

Alexa: I- I can't believe this, our parents gave me up to protect me and Harry from the Dark Lord... How come we had to wait 11 years to know the truth?

McGonagall: Professor Dumbledore and I thought it was for the best until the time was right to reunite you both.

*Harry seemed a bit confused but understood. As did I, but needed time to process.*

Harry: that all Professor?

McGonagall: That would be all, go back to your friends and please must keep this a secret. I'll be writing to your families tonight to let them know of the situation.

*Both Harry and I nod and leave the office, back to the common room. We remained silent for a bit before Harry spoke up.*

Harry: and and sister...

Alexa: Yea, I guess we are... But you heard what McGonagall said, we have to keep this a secret. Only our close and personal friends must only know about this.

Harry: Right.

(Jason POV)

*In the common room, Ron wakes me up.*

Ron: Jason, come on mate. You've nearly missed Christmas.

Jason: *Sleepily* Sorry...any mail?

Ron: Letter from Hermione.

I took the letter and read it. It brought a smile to my face.

"Dear Jason.

Thank you so much for the bracelet. The flowers are so beautiful. How did you know my favorite color and type of flowers? Anyway, I love it. Hope the search for info on Nicholas Flamel is going well. See you after winter break. And I hope you like the gift I got you.

Yours, Hermione."

*I couldn't help but read her letter over and over again. Just then, Alexa and Harry came back.*

Alexa: Were back

Ron: What did she talk to you about?

Alexa: If we tell you, this has to be top secret only us including Hermione can only know the secret, no one else...

*I was pulled out of reading the letter Hermione sent.*

Jason: Oh? What's up?

*Alexa looks at Harry, then nods*

Alexa: Professor McGonagall just told me and Harry that we are actually siblings, my real parents put me up for adoption six months before Harry was born so You-Know-Who could never have found out...

*Ron, Oliver, and I just stopped.*

Jason: Wow...that's

Alexa: Anyways guys, let's celebrate Christmas and not let it get the best of us.

Jason: Right.

*I then go back and continue reading Hermione's letter. My smile returns. Alexa walks over to Oliver and sits next to him.*

Alexa: Anyways, what does Hermione say Jason?

Jason: She said "Thanks for the bracelet. She's shocked at how I knew her favorite flower and color but glad that I was able to get something that had both of them. She hopes that the search for Nicholas Flamel is going alright. And she can't wait to come back after the holidays."

Alexa: Somebody must write to her and tell her everything that has happened but to keep it a secret. I know she can keep a secret, I trust all of you guys.

Jason: On it.

I head upstairs to write to Hermione.

(Harry POV)

*While Jason heads upstairs to write to Hermione, I set one of my presents on my lap.*

Harry: "Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well."

Alexa: Hey, Ollie? Would you mind if I rest my head on you?

Oliver: Sure. I don't mind.

*Alexa slowly leans her head towards Oliver and sighs*

Alexa: What a day...

*Oliver slowly brings an arm to her shoulder and holds her close.*

Oliver: Yeah...what a day.

*I open my gift and stand up.*

Ron: What is it?

Harry: Some kind of cloak.

Ron: Well, let's see, then. Put it on.

*I then wrap the cloak around my shoulders, making my body invisible.*

Ron: Whoa!

Alexa: Woah! That's amazing

Harry: My body's gone!

Oliver: Is that?

Ron: Yeah! It's an invisibility cloak!

Harry: I'm invisible?

Ron: They're very rare. I wonder who gave it to you.

Harry: There was no name. It just said, "Use it well."

(Jason POV)

*Hours went by and we hadn't found anything yet. Later that night, I was in the common room, reading on the couch. I was reading about mythical creatures. As I flipped through the pages, I cut myself on a page. Paper cuts are the worst, I was about to treat it and took a look to see how bad it was. But as I looked at my cut, it slowly healed itself and the stinging pain was gone. What the heck was that all about? Just then, Harry came rushing in with Alexa.*

Alexa: *Whispers* Slow down Harry, you're about to pull my arm out of my socket. 

Harry: Jason. You and Ron have got to see this!

Jason: See what?

Harry: Just stay here and wait. RON!

*Harry rushes to the boy's dorm to get Ron. Leaving me and Alexa downstairs.*

Jason: So, what's going on?

Alexa: We saw our parents in a mirror.

Jason: What?

Alexa: I know, it sounds strange but trust me, we saw them.

*Harry and Ron came down from the dorm and we huddled up into the cloak and followed Harry's footsteps to a room. We took it off and Harry ran to the mirror.*

Harry: Come on! Come! Come look, it's my parents!

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now