Year One: The Sorcerers Stone pt 5

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*Later after packing up the Quaffle, Bludgers, and the Snitch, Harry and I caught up with Ron, Alexa, and Hermione.*

Ron: How did it go? 

Jason: Great, but. I'm still a bit nervous about it.

Alexa: I feel that, I wish I never said yes to Quidditch now

Harry: Don't worry, Alexa. You'll be fine. Plus you and Jason aren't the only ones.

Alexa: You got lucky, you're a seeker. I have to beat Bludgers and also have to try and knock one of you guys off your brooms... Flynt sure likes to play dirty

Jason: Uh hello? What about me? I'm a freaking Chaser over here. I have a target hanging off my back that says "Hit here."

Alexa: See! Someone understands how I exactly feel

Jason: Oh. NOW you notice.

*Of course I was joking. Alexa lightly nudges my arm with a chuckle. I chuckled a bit too.*

Jason: So what class is next?

Hermione: Our next class is with Professor Flitwick, we have "Charms". We better hurry before all the good seats are taken.

*I nodded then nudged Ron in the arm.*

Jason: Hey Ron. Race ya there.

*I took off, leaving Ron in the dust.*

Ron: Hey! That's cheating!!

Harry (POV)

*Ron tries to catch up right behind Jason. I then turned to face Alexa and Hermione.* 

Harry: Who do you think will win?

Hermione: Definitely Jason. 

Alexa: Oh, Jason for sure.

*I couldn't help but smile and laugh a bit with them.*

Harry: Yeah.

(Jason POV)

*Later, came Flitwick's lesson. I sat between Hermione and Ron.* 

Flitwick: One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, or the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you have your feathers? *We raise our feathers.* Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing. Hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone. 

All (including Flitwick): The swish and flick. 

Flitwick: Good. Oh, and enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go, then. 

*We raise our wands and begin to enunciate and doing the movements on our feathers. I look over and saw Ron struggling.* 

Ron: Wingardium Leviosar! 

*He waves his wand really fast numerous times because he thinks the spell didn't work. He waves it so fast, his wand whacks me in the eye.* 

Jason: Ow!

Hermione: Look, stop, stop, stop! You're going to take someone's eye out. 

Jason: Too late, Hermione. 

Ron: Sorry, Jason.

Hermione: *she rolls her eyes then looks back to Ron.* Besides you're saying it wrong, it's Levi-o-sa, not Leviosar.

Ron: Well you do it then if you're so clever. Go on, go on. 

*I raised an eyebrow and watched Hermione do her work. She straightens herself up then swishes her wand.* 

Hermione: Wingardium Leviosa. 

*The feather floats from her desk. As the feather floated higher and higher, everyone saw.* 

Flitwick: Oh-ho! Well done! See here everyone, Miss Granger's done it! Splendid! 

Seamus: Wingard Leviosa! 

Flitwick: Well done, dear. 

*Just then, and explosion came from a few seats next to us. Seamus' feather was burned and so were his eyebrows.* 

Harry: I think we'll need another feather here, Professor. 

*I couldn't help but chuckle at this. After the lesson was over, and we were walking back to the castle, Ron started speaking about Hermione which wasn't good things at all.* 

Ron: "It's Levi-o-sa. Not Levi-o-sar." 

Jason: Ron, knock it off. She was only helping you while you were swinging your wand around almost blinding me in the process. 

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now