Year Four: The Goblet of Fire pt 4

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(Jason POV)

*In the common room, I sat down on the couch, contemplating and recollecting what just happened. There's no way Harry could've put his name in the Goblet of Fire. He's not even of age. Just then, Hermione came down with Crookshanks. He leaped onto the couch while Hermione sat next to me and nuzzled into me. I wrapped my arm around her, holding her close.*

Jason: You okay?

Hermione: I'm fine. I'm more worried about Harry. He and Ron are arguing.

Jason: Want me to go up there and break it up?

Hermione: No. They're big boys, they'll calm down and make it up to one another soon.

 *I nodded, just then there was a knock at the door. I opened it up to see Alexa.*

Jason: Hey, Alex. 

*She seemed upset. She sat down on the couch.*

Jason: You alright?

Alexa: Professor X told me that he and Dumbledore agreed to have you swap places with Harry.

Jason: They what?

Alexa: Yeah. They want you to take Harry's place in the tournament.

*Me? Swap places with Harry? Even Hermione didn't know what to think. Eventually, Alexa went up to tell Ron and Harry. They shook hands and Ron apologized and told me good luck on surviving. Later that night, the Weapon X nightmares happened again. I woke up in a sweat, screaming my head off. The screaming startled Hermione cause she came running down the steps and to me.*

Hermione: Jason. What's the matter? 

Jason: Every day with these damn, nightmares.

*She then pulled me into a hug and I gladly embraced it. I rested my head on her shoulder.*

Jason: Every time with these nightmares, I can feel my rage trying to take over.

Hermione: So does Alexa.

Jason: How so?

Hermione: During the summer, she mentioned in the letters that we exchanged that she's scared that her powers would lose control and hurt anyone that she comes into contact with.

Jason: She's not the only one...I'm afraid that the rage would take over me and I might hurt someone...

*Hermione looked at me with a worried look.*

Hermione: Why do you think that?

Jason: In the chapter, they said it's hard for someone to get out of their berserk rage mode. I'm worried that I might not be able to come out of it. And if that ever happened...what if...what if I hurt you in the process?

*She put her hands on each side of my face to get me to look at her.*

Hermione: Jason. You know that won't happen. None of us would let it.

*I was still unsure but nodded. She was right nonetheless. She kissed me goodnight and went back upstairs to sleep. The next morning, Alexa, Hermione, and I went to the DADA office to speak with Professor X. I opened the door and there he was, with Jean Summers.*

Professor X: Miss Granger, Miss Potter, Mr. Kyler. Good Morning.

Hermione: Hello Professor.

Alexa: Good Morning Professor.

Jason: Morning, Professor. 

Professor X: Alexa, This is Jean Grey, wife to Scott Summers. She'll help you with your abilities. 

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz