Year Two: The Chamber of Secrets pt 2

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*Inside, we caught up with Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Alexa, and Ginny. She turned around and saw us.*

Molly: Oh Harry. Thank goodness. We'd hoped you'd only gone one grate too far.

*She dusted his robe off.*

Molly: Did you get around okay, Jason? Ron gave you a thorough tour?

Jason: He did, Mrs. Weasley.

Molly: Oh good.

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart.

Molly: Oh, here he is.

*Everyone applauded and out came this man with golden hair and a smile. Already he seemed like the kind of guy to woo the ladies. This guy is the reason we have so many books for classes? Oh good lord.*

Jason: THAT'S Gilderoy Lockhart?

Hermione: Famous writer in the world. His books are one the bestseller page of the daily prophet.

*When she told me this, she spoke as if she was lovestruck with Lockhart. Which somehow got on my nerves a bit. Why? No idea. I saw him wink at a few women. I leaned over to Ron.*

Jason: Bit of a lady's man, eh?

Ron: Yeah. Mum fancies him.

*Mrs. Weasley smacked Ron's arm. Just then, a photographer came through.*

Photographer: Make way there, please. Excuse me, young man. Let me by, madam. Thank you. Excuse me, little girl. This is for the Daily Prophet.

*The photographer got his camera ready and took a photo of Lockhart. Just then, he eyed towards us in the crowd, directly at Harry.*

Lockhart: It can't be. Harry Potter?

*The crowd then looked at Harry. Then the Photographer grabbed Harry by the robe.*

Photographer: Harry Potter! Excuse me, madam.

*He was brought up next to Lockhart.*

Lockhart: Nice big smile, Harry. Together, you and I rate the front page.

*Alexa crossed her arms with a disgusted look on her face.*

Alexa: The nerve of him. Using Harry to build up his fame and reputation.

*I nodded and then the Photographer took another photo.*

Lockhart: Ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is. When young Harry stepped into Flourish and Blotts this purchase my autobiography, Magical Me...

*The audience applauded. Ron, Alexa, and I looked at each other as if Lockhart was crazy.*

Lockhart: Which, incidentally, is currently celebrating...its 27th week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list...he had no idea that he would, in fact, be leaving...with my entire collected of charge.

*He then handed a bunch of books to Harry and the photographer took one last photo and the crowd applauded again. Harry then came back to us as Lockhart sat down at the desk to sign some autographs.*

Lockhart: Now, ladies?

*Harry walked up to us and Molly offered to take the books.*

Molly: Harry, now you give me those, and I'll get them signed. All of you wait outside.

*Oh thank god. I couldn't stand to be in that area again. We made our way to the door but then comes the one person I never wanted to see again. Malfoy. He cut us off to talk down Harry.*

Malfoy: I'll bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter. Can't go into a bookshop without making the front page.

*Ginny walked up and stared him down.*

Ginny: Leave him alone.

Malfoy: Look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend.

*Just when it couldn't get any worse, a cane hooked Malfoy's shoulder. And a man who could rival Rapunzel, Goldilocks, or Parris Hilton's hair walked up next to him. This must've been Draco's dad.* 

Lucius: Now, now, Draco, play nicely.

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now