Year Seven: The Deathly Hallows Pt 1 pt 1

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(Harry POV)

*It's been at least a few months since Jason's sudden disappearance. Alexa hasn't heard from him, Ron hasn't heard from him, and not even Hermione's heard from him. We all tried to send letters to him, but not a word back. We're worried for him. Hermione mostly. But that's one-half of my worries. Ever since I came back from last year, I told the Dursleys about how something bad was heading and we came to an agreement that it was best for them to leave so they weren't in danger. Vernon was hesitant, but he knew it was for the better so that 1. He wouldn't have to deal with me anymore, and 2. His family wouldn't suffer any harm or damage from the war that was headed my way. He agreed and they started packing. I noticed my aunt standing in the empty living room.*

Petunia: I have lived in this house for 20 years. And now in a single night I'm expected to leave.  

*I could understand her pain and air of sadness. But deep down, we both knew this was right.*

Harry: They'll torture you. If they think for a moment you know where I'm going, they'll stop at nothing.

*She turned her head to face me.*

Petunia: Do you think I don't know what they're capable of? You didn't just lose a mother that night in Godric's Hollow, you know. I lost a sister.

*Her words sunk in with me. Just then, the car engine started. She walked out the door and I followed her out where Vernon turned around to face me.*

Vernon: This isn't just goodbye, boy, is it? This is farewell.

*I nodded. He turned around to get in until Dudley spoke up.*

Dudley: I don't understand. Isn't he coming with us?

Vernon: Who?

Dudley: Harry.

Vernon: Absolutely not.

Dudley: Why?

Vernon: "Why?" Well...b-because he doesn't want to, *to me* do you, boy?

Harry: Absolutely not. No. Besides, I'm a waste of space. Isn't that right, Vernon?

*Vernon looked defeated and wanted to say something, but didn't have the heart to do it.*

Vernon: Come on, Dudley. We're off.

*Vernon was about to get in, but stopped to see Dudley walking over to me after stepping over the fence. He walked up to me and stuck his hand out to shake. I shook his hand, and he said this to me which surprised me.*

Dudley: ...I don't think you're a waste of space.

*I didn't know what to say. I nodded and shook his hand. He let go and walked back over to his family after looking back at me one more time. He did trip a bit but got in the car.*

Harry: See you, big D.

*The car engine starts and they take off. I head back inside, preparing myself for the worst. I closed the door behind me and locked it.*

(Jason POV)

*The past few months have been hell. I've been running my whole life to get away from the nightmares and the snatchers. They captured me once, but they wouldn't get me again. The forest was the only safe place for me. That was until they started looking for me. I hid behind a tree to stay out of sight. I looked at my hands. It looked like I committed murder. Well...I kinda did. After the Snatcher had first captured me, I slaughtered them. I've never attacked anyone like that in my life. And I never wanted to again. If I did, I'd rather die a monster than live like one for the rest of my life. Just then, the coast was clear. I carefully walked down the hill and looked for a spot to camp out. Luckily, I had found a cave to sleep peacefully in. I slumped down and as the night falls, I slowly closed my eyes. Sometimes I keep expecting the weapon x nightmares or the damn boggart nightmare. But this time, it was different. I was in a log cabin with Hermione. She and I would wake up claws uncontrollably came out and stabbed her in the stomach. Just like what happened last year. I tried to put pressure on her wound and called out for help as loud as I could. She was slowly dying in front of me. I woke up sharply when I started to scream in my nightmare. Seeing Hermione in pain every time, made me want to die. I rested my head against the cave wall and closed my eyes again. Hoping the nightmares would stop.*

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant