Year Four: The Goblet of Fire pt 2

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*The next day on the train, I hadn't gotten any sleep so I decided to take a nap. But like always, the Weapon X dreams come back to haunt me again. I woke up sharply when it ended like it always did. Hermione and the others looked over at me, they knew what had happened. Just then, the trolly lady called out. I looked over at Hermione before going up to the trolly.*

Jason: You want anything, Hermione?

Hermione: A Pumpkin Pastie.

*I nodded and got up and walked over to the trolly lady. Alexa joined me.*

Trolly Lady: Anything off the trolly, dears?

Alexa: Can I get two packets of Droobles and a chocolate muffin, please? 

Trolly lady: Of course, my dear. 

*She grabs two packets of Droobles and a chocolate muffin and hands it to Alex with a smile* 

Trolly Lady: Enjoy, my dear.

*Just then, a Ravenclaw student named Cho Chang came up to the cart.*

Cho: Two Pumpkin Pasties, please? Thanks.

Trolley Lady: Anything for you, dear?

Jason: Uh, one packet of Pumpkin Pastie for a friend and a Chocolate Frog for me.

*She handed me the packet and chocolate froge and I made my way back to my seat. I hand Hermione her Pumpkin Pastie.*

Hermione: Thanks.

*I sat down next to her, resting my head against the train wall, opened the frog, and took a bite. Just then, Hermione spoke up about what happened.*

Hermione: It's just horrible. How can the ministry not know who conjured the Dark Mark?

Alexa: Wasn't there any security or...

Ron: *Mouth full* Loads. According to Dad. That's what worried them so much. Happened right under their noses.

Alexa: Ron, don't talk with your mouth full.

Ron: Sorry.

*Harry then rubbed his scar, Hermione and I noticed this.*

Hermione: It's hurting again, isn't it? Your scar.

Harry: It's fine.

*Hermione set the newspaper she was reading down and looked sternly at Harry.*

Hermione: You know Sirius will want to know about this Harry...What you saw at the World Cup and the dream.

*Harry sighed and nodded, he looked away and then his eyes widened. I looked over to where he was looking and saw a girl with a silver streak in her hair walking past our compartment. I looked back at Harry who seemed to be lovestruck.*

Jason: Already found a girl of interest, Harry?

*Harry snaps out of it and looks back at me.*

Harry: W-What? No.

Jason: Harry, your face literally tells the story. The minute that girl walked by, you couldn't stop staring at her.

Harry: Not true, I don't even know what you're talking about.

*He still acted like it was nothing, and got to writing a letter to Sirius. Hours later, we arrived at Hogwarts. And the first thing I saw when we arrived was a carriage with flying horses coming to the grounds. Hagrid was down there signaling them. When it got too close for comfort, the big man dove out of the way. Never seen that man be so athletic before. The out from the corner of my eye, I saw a ship come out of the water. I leaned over to Alexa.*

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now