Year Four: The Goblet of Fire pt 7

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*The next day, I met Alexa, and Hermione on the bridge. Ron and Harry were busy off doing other things.*

Hermione: Jason, Harry told me you'd figured the egg out weeks ago.

Alexa: Plus, the task is two days from now.

Jason: Really? l had no idea. I suppose the others figured it out.

Alexa: Ced and Fleur, maybe. Viktor? Maybe not.

*I nodded and sighed heavily.*

Alexa: You are trying to figure this egg out, aren't you?

Jason: And what's that supposed to mean?

Alexa: lt just means these tasks are designed to test the most brutal way. They're almost cruel. 

Jason: You think I don't know that?!

*My sudden outburst shook them.*

Jason: You think I don't know that I'm risking my life all because I took Harry's place in the tournament?! I hate it! I...

*I was starting to lose it, I needed a spot to cool off.*

Jason: I'm sorry...I...I need a breather.

*I walked away and off to the black lake.*

(Hermione POV)

*I had never seen Jason do that before. His outburst scared me, but I knew he never meant any harm.*

Hermione: I'll go with him.

*They nodded and I followed him to the black lake. I saw him skipping rocks. He seemed more at peace when he does that. I walked up next to him.*

(Jason POV)

*I knew Hermione would follow me down to the lake, I wished she didn't but I didn't blame her.*

Jason: I'm sorry, Hermione.

Hermione: I know. 

*She rested her head on my shoulder and I held her close.*

Hermione: l'm scared for you. All of us are. You got by the dragons mostly on nerve. l'm not sure it's going to be enough this time.

Jason: I promise, the first thing I'm going to do is solve the second task. I just don't know how...

Hermione: I'm not worried. You'll find a way.

*She pecked my cheek and walked off back to the castle. I stayed at the lake for a bit before deciding to walk back as well. On the bridge, I saw Cedric running up to me.*

Cedric: Jason! Hey, how--? How are you?

Jason: I'm...alright for the most part.

Cedric: Excellent. l realized l never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons.

Jason: Don't worry about it, l'm sure you would've done the same for me.

Cedric: Exactly. You know the Prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor?

Jason: Uhh...

Cedric: lt's not a bad place for a bath. Just take your egg...and mull things over in the hot water.

*The Prefects' bathroom? How was I going to get into there? And the egg?! Where was he going with that? Oh well, if Ced's helping me out, I might as well take his advice. But how in the hell was I going to get into the Prefect's bathroom? Well, maybe Hermione would know. I searched the halls until I found her. She was heading back to the common room.*

Jason: Hermione! Hermione, wait a sec!

Hermione: What is it? 

Jason: I think I might've found a way to solve the second task, but I need your help.

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin