Year Two: The Chamber of Secrets pt 1

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*It had been a while since I heard from Harry. In fact, it's been a long summer not hearing from Harry. I spoke with Alexa through letters saying she hadn't heard from him in a while either. Neither had Hermione or Ron. It wasn't like him to go silent on us. Either something was wrong and Hedwig couldn't deliver, or the Dursleys were keeping him locked up. I took the latter. It was getting close to the end of Summer, so I decided to hang out at Ron's place. The last time I visited his house, it didn't go well on arrival. I tried the Floo Powder for the first time and I nearly fell through the furniture. If that did happen, I would pay for the damage. I even swore to Molly that if anything broke, I'd pay for it. Hopefully, this time it would go smoothly. I stepped out of my hotel room and paid the guy for letting me stay. He said I didn't have to but it seemed like common courtesy. I got into the fireplace and prepared to arrive at the Burrow.*

Jason: The Burrow.

*I tossed the powder to the ground and green flames engulfed around me and in an instant, I entered the burrow. I stepped out of the fireplace and looked around. It seemed much bigger than I thought it was. It was amazing. From around the corner, I saw Ron's younger sister, Ginny approach me.*

Jason: Oh hi. Ginny right?

Ginny: Yeah. Who are you?

Jason: Jason Kyler, I'm a friend of your brothers.

Ginny: Oh yeah. You're the one that Ron's talked about before.

Jason: Yup, that's me. Is he around?

*Then on cue, Ron and his mom came in.*

Molly: Jason, dear! Lovely to see you!

Jason: Thank you, Mrs. Weasley.

*She walked up to me and wrapped me in a motherly hug, a tight one at that.*

Molly: How've you been?

Jason: Been good.

*That was actually a lie, I hadn't been great. I kept having the same damn nightmares again...I wanted to be honest with her, but I really didn't want her to worry too much for me.*

Molly: Oh, good. Dinner's almost ready, Ron will help you up to the room.

Jason: Thanks.

*I walked over to Ron and gave him a huge hug.*

Jason: How've you been, Ron?

Ron: Great. Yourself?

*As we made up the stairs, I looked down to make sure Mrs. Weasley wasn't overhearing then back at Ron.*

Jason: I've been having those nightmares again.

Ron: Again? Have you told anyone about this?

Jason: I speak with Alexa about it. She and I see the same thing every night. I plan to speak with Dumbledore about the dream Alex and I share. But knowing him, there won't be enough information until we figure out why Alex and I have the dreams.

*Ron nods. We continue up the stairs.*

Ron: Anything from Harry at all?

Jason: No. Not one.

Ron: Same. Alexa nor Hermione heard from him.

Jason: My guess is the Dursleys. They probably have him cooped up in the house.

*Just then, Fred and George eavesdrop on our conversation.*

Fred: What's going on then?

George: Yeah, what's all the chatter about?

Jason: We think Harry's being held hostage by his uncle, aunt, and cousin. We haven't heard from him all summer.

Fred: Sounds like a solution for the Weasleys to solve.

Jason: How?

Fred/George: Simple.

George: We'll borrow our dad's flying car, break Harry out at night, and come back here in the morning.

*Okay, this shocked me and I looked at Ron.*

Jason: Your dad owns a flying car?

Ron: A gift for his birthday from all of us. But they do have a brilliant idea. We might need Alexa to help us though. Once there, we'll pick her up.

Jason: Oh sure, you want me to dress as Peter Pan?

*Just then, Molly called us. Dinner was ready. I was a bit skeptical about the idea, but not going to lie, I think it was genius. I eventually agreed to go with it. At 12 in the morning, we quietly snuck out of the house. I left a note behind in the room Ron and I shared to let Molly know where we were going and what we were doing. When we were outside, we rushed to the car with the moon giving us a bit of light so we knew where to go. We hopped in and Fred started the car, I sat with George in the back. We flew to Surrey and stopped right at Alexa's foster parents' house. I knocked on the window. She woke up and saw me.*

Alexa: Jason?

Jason: No, it's Peter Pan. John, Michael, Toodles, and I came down to take you to Neverland, Wendy.

*Alexa scoffed and got up.*

Alexa: Alright, what's going on?

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now