Year Six: The Half-Blood Prince pt 7

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(These next three chapters will be short. Same as Order of The Phoenix)

(3rd Person POV)

*In the great hall, everyone besides Jason, gathered together to honor Professor X's death. Hermione, still feeling the effects from what happened yesterday, gingerly sat down between Alexa and Harry. Dumbledore then spoke up.*

Dumbledore: Today...we acknowledge a terrible loss. Last night, our friend and brilliant professor...Charles Xavier...has been murdered.

*Everyone gasped and started to whisper.*

Dumbledore: You see last night, we agreed to let a dangerous man attempt to save one of our own students and member of the X-Men...Jason Kyler. For you see, he was dying. A procedure was the only way to fix him...but it cost us Charles. For any of us who knew Charles, he was brilliant, compassionate, brave, and true. So now, let us pray, that Charles is in good hands. 

*Everyone bowed their heads to pray for Charles as banners with his face on them rolled down, to honor him. Outside the castle, Jason sat in the forest near the lake where he and Harry got attacked by the dementors, trying to save Sirius, and tossed some pebbles into the water. After it was over, Harry and Ron walked over to him.*

(Jason POV)

*I turned around to spot them behind me. I looked back at the lake.*

Jason: Did the X-Men send you to get me?

Harry: No, actually...we came down to check on you. 

 Ron: We're worried about you. So is Hermione. Said you haven't been in the common room all day.

Jason: I wonder why.

*Harry then walked over to me and crouched down near me.*

Harry: Jason. Hermione needs you. She can barely sleep anymore since what happened that day.

*It's really starting to sink in for me. I still care and love Hermione, but I can't be there just for something else to happen. I looked up at Harry one last time.*

Jason: I appreciate it, Harry. But I need some time to myself.

*Harry and Ron seemed to understand and walked off back to the castle. After a while, I decided to head back into the castle too. But not to the common room. But to McGonagall. I knocked on her door. She opened the door and was a bit shocked to see me.*

McGonagall: Jason? What brings you to my office?

Jason: I've been doing a lot of thinking. And possibly would need your help with something.

McGonagall: Very well. 

*She and I headed over to her desk and I sat down.*

McGonagall: Now. What's this about?

Jason: I uh...I was wondering if there were any quiet places in the muggle world you could recommend.

*She looked at me with wide eyes.*

McGonagall: I beg your pardon?

Jason: Quiet places. You mountains or forests.

McGonagall: Well, I don't know. I barely visit the muggle world since a few years ago...Jason, why do you ask?

*I took a deep breath and faced one of my favorite professors.*

Jason: I'm thinking of leaving...

McGonagall: Leaving? Merciful heavens, this isn't still about what happened to Miss Granger, is it, Jason?

Jason: It's more than that. My rage took me over. And everywhere I turn, either people are dying because of me, or it's me hurting them. And I...I don't want that on my conscious. I hope you understand.

*She was a bit heartbroken, but she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.*

McGonagall: I understand, Jason. Whatever you decide, just know you're always welcome to come back when need be.

*I nodded and got up to leave. After closing the door, I spotted Draco heading out of the great hall and into a bathroom. Harry followed suit. I decided to head to a different area to cool down. I also needed to get cleaned up anyway, I looked like a fucking mess. I entered the shower area and got to work on washing all the blood off. As I was washing up, I could sense danger headed my way. I looked to my right and then SWIPE! It was Adam! He was swinging at me and I countered. Just then, as he was about to slash me, he disappeared. Like thin air...What the hell was that all about? I turned off the showers, dried off, and walked out of the shower room after I got changed back into my clothes.*

(Harry POV)

*I followed Draco into the bathroom. He started crying. I called him out.*

Harry: I know what you did, Malfoy. You hexed it, didn't you?

*He and I dueled it out. I hid behind the bathroom stalls. I kneeled down to the floor and nearly got hit from an attack. I ran to the other side and aimed my wand at him.*

Harry: Sectumsempra! 

*Draco fell backward. I heard gasping. I walked over and saw something I was not proud of at all. Draco had cuts all over him. Bloody hell, what have I done? Snape walked over and looked at me with his glare. I walked out of the room, just feeling like I had committed a crime.*

(Jason POV)

*I had arrived back into the common room a bit later. Ron, Kitty, Rogue, Alexa, and Hermione were there. I slowly walked in with my head down and Hermione got up and hugged me. I hesitantly hugged back. I looked over at Alexa. Some of her hate had gone, but it was still there. She got up and walked over. She then hugged me as well. I looked into her eyes...Scarlet's eyes were no longer visible.*

Alexa: Sorry about before...I was in the wrong.

Jason:'s not your fault, you had every right to do that. The fault was mine.

Alexa: No. No, no, no. Jason, don't blame yourself. Never blame yourself. What happened yesterday happened. Stryker did what he did, and there's no way you could've done anything to stop his agent from pulling the trigger. And even with your anger, I wouldn't blame you.

*I nodded. I then looked at Ron.*

Jason: Sorry if I scared you the most, Ron. I never wanted you or anyone else to see that side of me.

Ron: I mean, I know it wasn't you, but bloody hell. It looked like a massacre and murder.

*I chuckled a little bit. Then Ron put his hand on my shoulder.*

Ron: But I know you, Jason. I knew the real you, mate.

*I had to admit, it was helping me a bit. Hermione wrapped an arm around me and rested her head on my shoulder. I hugged back. I'm glad I didn't lose my friends. Speaking of, Harry came back and had a look of fear on his face.*

Alexa: What is it, Harry?

Harry: I think I figured out what that spell does.

Ron: What "Sectumsempra"?   

*He nodded.*

Harry: I just used it...on Malfoy.

*He used a spell on Malfoy?! I mean, I understand that Malfoy his a dick, but I don't think any of us would actually cause excruciating harm to him. Well, Alexa might hit him once or twice, but she wouldn't attempt to kill him...well. Maybe one of the four of us besides Alexa. But still, I wouldn't kill him. I wouldn't want to kill anyone...not ever again...not after yesterday...*

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now