Year Five: The Order of The Phoenix pt 9

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*We fell down until we stopped mid air, then got dropped. I looked up and over at the others.*

Jason: Everyone okay?

Ginny: Yeah. We're alright.

*Neville helped me up and we looked around.*

Ron: Department of Mysteries. They got that bit right, didn't they? 

*Harry then spotted an archway and walked towards it.*

Harry: The voices. Can you tell what they're saying? 

Hermione: There aren't any voices, Harry. Let's get out of here. 

Luna: I hear them too. 

*They could hear it but none of us could? What the hell is going on?*

Alexa: Harry, it's just an empty archway. Please, Harry. 

*Just then, a bunch of scents came from above. I turned around and got my claws out.*

Harry: What is it, Jason?

Jason: Get behind me. 

*They all got behind me with their wands out, Alexa had her magic ready. Then they swarmed around us and Harry and I got knocked down. We looked up and saw our friends held hostage. I spotted my Dad holding Ron hostage while one of the death eaters held Hermione hostage.*

Jason: Let her go, you son of a bitch!

*Just then, a growl came around and tackled me onto the ground. It was Adam. He held me down and looked over at Harry. Just then, Lucius spoke up.*

Lucius: Did you actually believe... or were you truly naive enough to think... that children stood a chance against us? I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now... or watch your friends die. 

Neville: Don't give it to him, Harry. 

*Harry looked at the prophecy and back at Lucius.*

Harry: No...

Lucius: Shame...Adam?

*Adam grinned. He looked back at me, stabbed me in the back, lifted me up, and tossed me onto the other side and I landed hard on the edge of the rocks. He walked over and looked back at Harry.*

Harry: No, don't!

*He then looked back and me and stomped on my bone claws on my right hand. It hurt like a fucking bitch. I held my hand in pain. He whacked me down and stomped on the other ones. Now both of my hands are in pain. He rolled me on my stomach and then kneeled a leg on my back and stabbed me.*

Harry: Stop! ...Okay...I'll do it.

*Adam let go and Harry walked up to Lucius and handed him the prophecy. I looked up and saw Sirius right behind him.* 

Sirius: Get away from my godson. 

*He punched Lucius in the face. Just then, the rest of the order arrived and a huge fight went down. I had to get behind a rock and out of the battlefield. My claws were gone and broken. Hermione rushed over to me.*

Hermione: Jason! Are you oaky?

Jason: My claws are gone...Hurts like a mother fucker.

Hermione: Hang on...Repairo.

*My claws extended outward more and the points on the end got fixed up. It hurt a lot. But I was thankful for her.*

Jason: Thanks.

Hermione: You can thank me later by saving us and not getting killed. Now go.

*I nodded and got up. The first person I was aiming towards was Adam. I swiped at him a bunch and landed a few slashes. He caught me and I headbutted him. He reeled back and I lunged at him and stabbed him in the chest. He stabbed me in the back in the process. I headbutted him again to knock him out. Just then...*

Bellatrix: Avada Kedavra. 

*I looked over and saw Sirius hit with the killing curse. No way...He leaned back and the archway took him in. He was dead.* 

Harry: No. No. 

*Harry was held back by Lupin. He screamed out in sadness and despair. Alexa was just as upset as her brother was. Bellatrix just grinned and ran out of there. Harry chased after her.*

Alexa: Harry, no!

*She was too late to stop him. He was already on a hunt for Bellatrix's blood. I chased after him. No way would I let him get himself killed or in trouble.*

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now