Year Seven: The Deathly Hallows Pt 1 pt 4

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*The next morning, all six of us gathered outside to destroy the Horcrux.*

Hermione: You first.

*I aimed my wand at the Horcrux.*

Harry: Dissendium.

*It hit the Locket, but it was still intact. I was getting pissed and irritated a bit. It was Hermione's turn now.*

Hermione: Incendio.

*The locket burst into flames, but it was still intact.*

Harry: Expulso! Diffindo! Reducto!

*I kept hitting it over and over, but it wouldn't get destroyed. No matter how hard I tried, it was still intact. If Jason were here, he'd be thrashing at it over and over again. I picked it up and put it on.*

Rogue: What are you doing?

Harry: We have to keep it safe, until we find out how to destroy it.

Ron: Seems strange, mate. Dumbledore sent you out to find those Horcruxes but doesn't tell you how to destroy them. Doesn't it bother you?

*He was right...It did bother me a bit. I walked off and sat down by the tent. Ron went in to listen to the radio. Damn him for it...Wait...why did I think that? I took the locket out and saw another vision. It was Dumbledore confronting Gregorovitch. Something about a wand. A boy had stolen it and got away. Voldemort killed Gregorovitch. The vision stopped and Hermione came up to me.*

Hermione: I thought it stopped. You can't keep letting him in, Harry.

Harry: You-Know- Who has found Gregorovitch.

Hermione: The wandmaker?

Harry: He wants something that Gregorovitch used to have. I do not know what. But he wants it desperately. I mean, as if his life depended on it.

*The radio got loud and I was almost about to turn it off until Hermione stopped me.*

Hermione: Don't. Kitty said it comforts him.

Harry: It sets my teeth on edge. What's he expecting to hear, good news?

Hermione: I think he just hopes he doesn't hear bad news.

*I stood up and almost felt my rage taking over.*

Harry: How long before he can travel?

Hermione: I'm doing everything I can.

Harry: You are not doing enough!

*I was about to walk away but Hermione stopped me.*

Hermione: Take it off! I said, take it off, now!

*I took off the locket and handed it to her.*

Hermione: Better?

Harry: Loads.

Hermione: We will take in turns, okay?

*I nodded. I then remembered about the telepathy I tried with Jason. It had to have reached him.*

Harry: Hermione?

*She stopped and turned around.*

Harry: I think I managed to make contact with him. Jason I mean.

*Everytime I mention him, she seemed to be on the verge of tears.*

Hermione: Harry...let it go. He's not coming back.

Harry: Don't want him to come back?

Hermione: I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD WANT JASON TO DO! So leave it alone.

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now