Year Three: The Prisoner of Azkaban pt 6

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(Jason POV)

*I woke up in the hospital wing. What happened? I felt sore all over. Just then, I look over and saw the others enter the hospital wing. I could tell by the look on their faces that they were glad to see me.*

Jason: Hey guys.

*Hermione rushed over and hugged me. I could hear faint sobs from her. Harry, Ron, and Alexa sat down beside me. Hermione let go.*

Hermione: How are you feeling?

Jason: A bit sore. What happened?

Ron: Lightning struck your broom when you tried to save Harry. fell into the Forbidden Forest. 

Jason: The Forbidden Forest?

Alexa: Yeah. You're lucky Hagrid found you...otherwise, you would've ended up as lunch for Aragog and his children.

*Ron then shivered and looked at Alexa angrily.*

Ron: Don't mention that bloody name again.

*All four of us laughed. A while later, I was released from the Hospital Wing and was going to take a day off from classes at the request of Madam Pomfrey. For the time being, I'd finish up on studies and the rolls of parchment on Werewolves for Limp-Dick Snape. I still hated him for what he said about Hermione. Speaking of, when she, Harry, and Ron came back, she handed me a drink from Pomfrey, saying it was like a pick-me-up. I took a swig and it was sweet as hell. But it was good nonetheless. It was getting late and Ron and Harry decided to turn in for the night, leaving me and Hermione to work on the Werewolves study.* 

Jason: Man. 2 rolls of this? I feel like I could pass out at any moment.

Hermione: *Smirks* And whose fault do you think that is?

*I looked at Hermione with a "Don't get me started look." but smirked back at her. Finally, I was done. So was Hermione.*

Jason: Hope he accepts these.

Hermione: So do I. Well, Goodnight Jason.

Jason: Night, Hermione.

*She was heading up the stairs to her dorm. Something in me just had to ask her out. I remember speaking with Alexa about it and she said that I should just go for it. Well. Here goes nothing. I got up and rushed to the stairs.*

Jason: Hermione, wait a sec.

*She turned around stopping in her tracks.*

Hermione: What is it, Jason?

*I took a deep breath, here we go.*

Jason: Uh...I was wondering if you wanted know. Hang together and uh...take a look around the shops in Hogsmeade.

Hermione: Uh...sure, I don't see why not.

Jason: Okay cool. So it's a date?

*I instantly closed my mouth shut by putting my hand over it. Why did I do that?! Hermione looked at me with her eyebrows raised up. She then started giggling.*

Hermione: Jason. Are you asking me out on a date?

Jason: I..uh...yeah.

*She just laughed at my awkwardness and looked at me with a smile.*

Hermione: I'd love to.

*I can't believe it. She agreed to it. Me and Hermione are going on a date tomorrow.*

Jason: Okay. B-Brilliant. See you tomorrow then.

Hermione: Yeah. See you tomorrow.

*Hermione went up to her room and the door closed. When she was gone, I mentally celebrated. I asked her out! I did a fist pump in the air with a smile on my face. I laid down on the couch and slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep. It didn't last for long though. Cause I woke up from the nightmare. Thank god it wasn't the Adam one again. But it still woke me up. It's like watching a horror film. I sat up on the couch and mentally thought to myself "Why does this keep happening?" Just then, I heard a voice in my head.*

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now