Year Seven: The Deathly Hallows Pt 1 pt 2

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(Alexa POV)

*I decided to head back to the X-Mansion. I said my goodbyes to my Godfather and my Step-Godmother. Even to Harry and the others. I teleported back into the X-Mansion to resume my training with Jean. Once inside her office, I did some meditation practice with her. It was very difficult. No matter how much I try, I could feel Scarlet Witch trying to take over me. And I kept seeing these weird hallucinations involving Jason and Harry. I even saw Adam and a man in red. I shot my eyes open after hearing Jason yelling out in a rage.*

Jean: Alexa? Is everything alright?

*I stood up and was trying to take some deep breaths but this was getting me nowhere.* 

Alexa: This isn't working. All these practices and no change! I mean, how long are we going to keep this up?!

Jean: Alexa, calm down!

Alexa: I swear, I can feel it getting worse and worse by the minute!

Jean: Alexa!

Alexa: And you! Your teachings aren't helping! You're not Professor X! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DEALING WITH!!

*As I lashed out at her, my magic took over and hit her, sending her across the wall. I didn't mean to do that.* 

Alexa: M-Miss Summers. I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to-

Jean: It's alright. I'm okay.

*I walked over to help her up.*

Jean: You're right and wrong about a few things.

Alexa: What do you mean?

Jean: Yes...I'm not like Professor X. But no...I do know what you've been through with fighting inner demons. I was one of them...

Alexa: You were?

Jean: My dark side was Dark Phoenix...I nearly ended the world. Magneto brainwashed me into destroying everything. And it would've happened if it wasn't for Jason's dad.

Alexa: What happened?

Jean: Hold my arm. I'll show you.

*I was hesitant but I placed a hand on her arm to see everything around me change. We were in San Diego, California and everything was damaged and to see Jason's dad Logan walk over to Jean who looked completely different. Her eyes were all black and had a dark presence around her. I saw her using force to stop Logan from reaching her. But as the wind brushed past him, some of his skin showed through and I could see the adamantium in his skeleton. He kept going until he reached the top. She seemed to now be aware of where she was and what she was doing. I could hear the conversation.*

Jean: L-Logan. Where am I? W-What have I done? Is Scott?

Logan: He's alright, Jean. He's okay. You're going to be okay.

*She then broke down crying. Logan didn't hesitate to hug her to comfort her. I then let go of her arm, and we were now back at her office in the mansion. I was so shocked. I leaned against the desk and looked up.*

Alexa: I...I'm so sorry, Jean. I didn't know.

Jean: It's alright. If it wasn't for Lo...Jason's dad, I'd probably would have wiped out the entire world. If Jason ever comes back, I want you to tell him how much every one of us owed our lives to him. And how much we care for Jason. Because he reminds us of him.

*I nodded. Just then, there was a loud bang and screaming. We rushed out of the office to see a man in a red suit and he had shot a student. I was in horror and shock at what he had done. He then looked over at us.*

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now