Year Three: The Prisoner of Azkaban pt 9

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*As we were walking, I overheard Sirius and Ron talking.*

Sirius: Sorry about the bite. I reckon that twinges a bit.

Ron: A bit? A bit? You almost tore my leg off!

Sirius: I was going for the rat. Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog. More than once, James suggested that I make the change permanent. The tail I could live with. But the fleas, they're murder.

*We made it out of the willow and Harry and Sirius set Ron down on a root of the willow. Lupin had me go on ahead to help in any way I can. I then noticed Sirius looking at the castle.*

Ron: *To Harry.* You better go.

Harry: No. Don't worry, okay? It's fine. I'll stay.

Jason: You go, I got this.

*Harry seemed hesitant but went up ahead anyway. Alexa and Hermione then came over. Hermione sat next to me and examined Ron's leg.*

Hermione: That looks painful.

Ron: So painful. They might chop it.

Hermione: I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat.

Ron: It's too late. It's ruined. It'll have to be chopped off.

Jason: Why do I get the feeling you're acting like Malfoy?

Ron: *Chuckles* What gave it away?

*We shared a bit of a laugh. Just then, Pettigrew came over to us.*

Wormtail: Ron! Haven't I been a good pet? You won't let them give me... to the dementors, will you? I was your rat! *To Hermione.* Sweet, clever girl! Surely you won't...

Lupin: Get away from her!

*Thank god Lupin pulled him away from her, I was about ready to attack him. I could feel my anger trying to break out. Hermione saw this and put her hand ontop of mine.*

Hermione: You okay?

Jason: Yeah. Better now with you here.

*Hermione smiled at me. I smiled back. I felt myself lean closer, and I noticed Hermione doing the same. My heart was racing, but then out of the corner of my eye, I saw something. Oh no...the full moon.*

Jason: Oh shit.

*Hermione turned around and saw it too. She then turned back around and yelled out to Harry.*

Hermione: Harry!

*He and Sirius turned around as Hermione pointed to the full moon. I looked over at Lupin and he went pale and started to shake.*

Sirius: Remus, my old friend. Have you taken your potion tonight? You know the man you truly are, Remus! This heart is where you truly live! This heart! Here! This flesh is only flesh!

*Lupin's wand fell out of his hand and Pettigrew picked it up. He was going to attack, but Harry, like Clint Eastwood, was quick on the draw.*

Harry: Expelliarmus!

*Lupin's wand flew out of Peter's hand. He smiled and then waved bye as he turned into Scabbers. He ran away. Harry was about to chase him but Hermione stopped him since Lupin's transformation was almost complete.*

Sirius: Remus! Remus!

*Lupin yelled out in pain.*

Sirius: Run! Run!

*Lupin grew taller and his clothes had ripped off. He roared and shoved Sirius off and fell off a cliff. We had to go.*

Harry: Come on.

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now