Year One: The Sorcerers Stone pt 4

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*On our way back, I noticed the railing behind us disappear. Uh oh.*

Ron: I'm telling you, it's spooky. She knows more about you than you do.

Harry: Who doesn't?

*Just then, the staircase moved, causing us to almost lose our balance a little.*

Harry: What's happening?

Jason: It's the staircase. It changes, remember?

*It stopped when we were facing a door in front of us.*

Harry: Let's go this way.

Ron: Before the staircase moves again.

Alexa: Don't jinx it.

*I opened the door and felt a chill. I shivered.*

Alexa: What's wrong?

Jason: Feels cold in here.

*We stepped into the room and I instantly got bad vibes just being inside.*

Ron: Does anyone feel like, we shouldn't be here?

Hermione: We're not supposed to be here. This is the third floor, it's forbidden.

Alexa: This is the third floor? Huh.

Jason: What?

Alexa: Nothing, I just thought it would be more...

Jason: Spooky?

Alexa: No...brighter.

*As if on cue, the torch lit up.*

Alexa: Okay now THAT'S spooky.

Harry: let's go.

*We then heard a meow behind us.*

Hermione: It's Filch's cat!

Jason: Not good! Run!

*We ran as fast as we could to get away from Filch and Mrs. Norris.*

Harry: Quick, let's hide through that door!

*As we reach the door, Harry tries to open it. But...*

Harry: It's locked!

Ron: That's it, we're done for.

Alexa: Oh move over. Alohamora!

*The door unlocks and we enter the room.*

Hermione: Chapter 7 of Standard Book of Spells?

Alexa: Yeah. How did you know?

Hermione: I read it all the time.

Alexa: So do I.

*We stay quiet for a moment until Filch didn't suspect anything. Thankfully, he left in a matter of moments.*

Hermione: Filch is gone.

Ron: Probably think this door is locked.

Alexa: Because it was locked.

Harry: And for good reason.

*We stop next to Harry and look at a sight I never saw before. A three-headed dog, waking up from its nap and sees us. Where have I seen something like that before? I then remember a book I read once from a library in London.*

Jason: Oh, it's a Cerberus.

*Harry, Ron, Alexa, and Hermione scream in fear. We ran out of the room and try to close the door but the dog was strong and it was tough to close. Eventually, we closed and locked the door. Alexa rushed back to her common room as me, Hermione, Ron, and Harry made our way back to our common room.*

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now