Year Five: The Order of The Phoenix pt 1

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*I'm not going to lie, training with the X-Men is brutal but worth it. Beast as my mentor is fantastic. He taught me all about strategy, agility, and combat. Sometimes, I'd train with Scott on sparring with other members of the X-Men. Sometimes I would notice Bobby and Kitty arguing about something. It wasn't until I overheard Bobby talking about Ron. Turns out Bobby was upset that she chose to go with Ron and not him. Whenever the argument ends, both of them would head into their rooms and slam the door. I made a mental note to speak with Bobby about the arguments and if there was any way to get past it. That night, I offered to cook for the team. There was tension between the two of them again, so I decided to give them a funny story that happened to me when I was 9 and before I went to Hogwarts. I was halfway in the story and dinner was almost ready.*

Jason: So I'm like. "You may be the smartest and greatest guy in all of London, but you're a terrible cook."

Scott: Really?

Bobby: So, how did he react?

Jason: I- I didn't actually say that. I just thought it. If he could somehow read my mind he would've been like "What?" Here's what I said. I looked at him and said, "That may be so, but rarely have I seen a chicken cooked to a crisp." 

*That got a few of them to laugh. I handed out plates and bowls of soup. They gave it a try.*

Beast: Mmm. This is delicious, Jason.

Jason: Oh come on, you should taste Harry's cooking. He actually does better than me in my opinion.

Storm: What are you talking about? This is amazing, Jason.

Scott: You make a good cook.

*I then noticed an empty chair. Someone was missing.*

Jason: Are we missing someone?

Storm: That'll probably be Kurt.

Jason: Kurt?

*Just then, POOF. A blue man with 3 fingers, blue skin, and a tail appeared at the empty chair. He sat down and greeted them. He saw me and waved.*

Kurt: Hallo.

*I was too shocked and stunned to wave back. I looked at Beast.*

Jason: Who's that again?

Beast: Kurt Wagner. He's from Germany. He has the ability to teleport and has adhesive hands and feet. Codename, Nightcrawler. 

*I nodded and then asked again.*

Jason: Why does he have yellow eyes and blue skin?

Beast: He's Mystique's son.

*I choked on my water. Set the cup down and looked at my mentor with wide eyes.*

Jason: What?

Beast: He may not look it, but he's good-hearted.

*I nodded. Just then, Professor X wheeled over with a letter. He looked at me with worry on his face.*

Jean: Professor? What is it?

Professor X: Jason. You might want to read this.

*I took the letter and read it, I couldn't believe it. Harry got expelled from Hogwarts for breaking the law? No way that could be right.*

Rogue: What's wrong?

Jason: Harry got expelled.

Rogue: What? 

Jason: Yeah, apparently he broke the law by using magic.

Professor X: Your headmaster contacted me and explained it. Harry and his cousin were attacked, by Dementors. 

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now