Year Four: The Goblet of Fire pt 9

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*The next day, in the afternoon, it was time for the final task. Dumbledore requested everyone to head to the maze. The band started playing and I walked out with Cedric, Viktor, and Fleur. I looked up at the stands, still no Harry. Where was he? Dumbledore then spoke up.*

Dumbledore: Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory...and Mr. Kyler...are tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum...and Miss Delacour.

*The crowd from both schools each cheered for each one of us.*

Dumbledore: The first person to touch the cup will be the winner! l've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task...he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. *to us.* Contestants! Gather around. Quickly!

*We gathered around Dumbledore and he softly spoke to us.*

Dumbledore: ln the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. lnstead, you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can. But be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way.

*He then walked off and I saw Fleur and Viktor walk over to their headmasters and they wished them luck. I even saw Ced and his Dad hug.*

Moody: Champions, prepare yourselves!

*I walked over to Ron, Hermione, and Alexa.*

Ron: Be careful, Jason. That maze is a hazard to losing your sanity. 

Jason: Thanks, Ron. Still no Harry?

Alexa: No. I'm worried.

Jason: When this is over, we'll go look for him. Keep in touch, yeah?

*Alexa nodded and tapped her temple. I then lifted myself up to eye level with Hermione. We shared a kiss before I left to my postion.*

Hermione: Good luck, Jason.

*I nodded and got back down. I then walked over to the entrance to the maze.*

Dumbledore: On the count of three. One--

*Like always, Filch was way too early. Dumbledore threw his arms up as if to say, "I give up with this man." I looked over at Professor McGonagall, she gave me a nod as if to say "You can do this." I nodded back and entered the maze, I looked back and saw Moody look at me and wink and the maze closed behind me. I was now alone in the maze, all by myself. But I knew Alexa was still in contact by Telepathy.*

Jason: (Telepathically) Alexa? Still with me?

Alexa: (Telepathically) Yeah, I'm still here. I have my eyes closed and I can see through yours. I'll guide you through. So just go straight.

*I nodded and walked foward. After a bit of directions by Alexa, I heard a scream almost close to where I was. I ran over and found Fleur being dragged into the maze. She seemed to be unconcious.*

Jason: Fleur? Fleur.

*She wasn't responding, so I grabbed her wand and lifted it towards the sky.*

Jason: Periculum!

*A red spark shot out and exploded into the sky. Then the maze started to go crazy. I ran in the directions Alexa gave me, I then came across a duel between Krum and Cedric.*

Cedric: Get down!

*I ducked as a spell shot from Krums wand towards Cedric.*

Cedric: Expelliarmus!

*Krum was hit and was knocked out. Cedric kicked his wand away and was about to do more damage to him.*

Jason: No, don't! Stop! He's bewitched, Cedric!

Cedric: Get off me!

*He ran off and I chased after him. He was much faster than me and then as I cut a corner, I saw him trapped in vines that were pulling him into the maze itself. I got my claws out and ripped them to shreds, without hurting Cedric of course. I then helped him up.*

Jason: You alright?

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now