Year Six: The Half-Blood Prince pt 5

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*Soon we walked back to the common room. I began pacing as everyone was sitting down. It was an awkward silence until Alexa spoke to me.*

Alexa: Jason, you can't possibly go through with this.

Hermione: She's right you know. Stryker could be lying just to get you to agree to the operation so he could experiment on you.

Jason: What other choice do I have? It's either I agree to it or die. Besides, even if he's lying, he's not going to get away alive.

Ron: Mate, this is just like before! You'd be reliving Weapon X all over again.

Jason: I know!

*My outburst shocked them. I cooled down a bit before I did any more harm.*

Jason: *Sighs* I know. But if don't go through with it, or tell them no, I'll still be on the verge of dying. And I'm sure none of you want that.

*It really sunk into them. They all nodded.*

Harry: If this is what needs to happen...then we'll stand by you.

Jason: Thanks, Harry.

*I shared a group hug with the four of them. The next morning, I joined Harry, Hermione, and Alexa at the table. I was reading the paper until I spotted something in Harry's pocket.*

Jason: What's that?

Harry: What's what?

*I took the paper out of his pocket. He tried to grab it but I pulled back. Hermione and Alexa saw it but went silent. The paper was last years latest. "15th anniversary of the...Weapon X Incident"?! What the hell? They kept this from me? I looked up at them.*

Jason: How long?

Hermione: Jason, we were only--

Jason: How long, Hermione?

*Hermione was on the verge of tears when I asked her. She took a deep breath and looked at her book.*

Hermione: Since the beginning of last year. It was Lunaa who told us. We were afraid if we told you...then you'd be more upset. I didn't want that for you.

*I guess that makes sense. I'm still a bit mad, but not at them. I was mad there was even a 15th anniversary on what Stryker's father did to me. I looked over and saw Ron heading over towards us.*

Ron: So how was it, then?

Hermione: How is what?

Ron: Your dinner party?

Hermione: Pretty boring actually. But I think Harry enjoyed dessert. Slughorn's having Christmas, do you know? I'm about to bring someone.

Ron: I expect you'll be bringing Jason.

Hermione: Actually, I did.

Ron: Really?

Hermione: Said he wasn't going. Wasn't his thing.

*Quack. What the hell? I looked over and saw Ginny carrying Derick. What was he wearing?*

Jason: What is Derick wearing?

Derick: Well it's not a wool sweater, let me tell you.

*Derick hops off Ginny's hand and walks around the table. Ginny sat down next to me.*

Ginny: George's idea. Thought we'd make him a Gryffindor Mascot.

Ron: What, Derick as our mascot? He's gotta be blooming joking?

Derick: It's not like I asked for this, did I? Uh, tell me, does this scarf make me feather's look poofy?

*I just face palmed as Alexa chuckled a bit. Just then, Lavender walked over.*

Lavender: Good luck today, Ron. I know you'll be brilliant.

*She then walks away. I looked over and saw Kitty standing there in shock. She saw Lavender. Oh no...Kitty, with tears in her eyes, walks away. Leaving poor Ron miserable.*

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now