Year Five: The Order of The Phoenix pt 2

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(Harry POV)

*I'm glad the hearing was over and happy to be allowed back in Hogwarts, but still, I felt like things weren't going to go as smoothly as before. Plus, with Jason as a member of the X-Men, I felt like I was unsafe. It still felt weird not having Jason with us on the train. After we got off, Dickhead Malfoy came around.*

Malfoy: I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free. Better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it. 

*At that point, I had snapped and wanted to give him a piece of my mind, but Ron held me back.*

Malfoy: What'd I tell you? Complete nutter. 

Harry: Just stay away from me! 

Alexa: Calm down, Harry.

Ron: She's right. It's only Malfoy. What'd you expect?

*I calmed down a bit. We then walked over to the carriages, I noticed Cho looking at me. Just then, her carriage was pulled away. Neville then came over to us holding a weird plant.*

Neville: Hi, guys. 

Hermione: Hey, Neville. 

Ron: Hey there, Neville. 

*I then heard a snort. I turned around to see some weird-looking creature pulling the carriage. It couldn't be a horse because it was too skinny and black.*

Harry: What is it? 

Alexa: What's what? 

Harry: That. Pulling the carriage. 

Hermione: Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry. It's pulling itself, like always. 

*I walked up closer to it, examining it from a distance, just then, a blonde girl spoke up after putting her book away.*

???: You're not going mad. I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am. 

*We then got on and Hermione told us who this person was.*

Hermione: Everyone, this is Loony Love... Luna Lovegood. What an interesting necklace. 

Luna: It's a charm, actually. Keeps away the Nargles. Hungry. I hope there's pudding. 

*Just then, the carriage pulled off to Hogwarts. Ron has prompted the question to ask Hermione.*

Ron: What's a Nargle? 

Hermione: No idea. 

*Ron then looked over to Alexa.*

Alexa: Don't look at me, Ron. I have no clue what they are either.

*I then heard a roaring engine sound off. I looked up and saw the Black Bird flying overhead. Jason beat us here.*

Harry: Looks like your boyfriend beat us here, Hermione.

*Hermione just rolled her eyes and laughed. Luna then spoke up.*

Luna: Jason Kyler? The one from the news?

Alexa: The very same.

Luna: I thought he sounded familiar. Have you heard that this week marks the 15-year anniversary of the Weapon X Incident?

Hermione: The what?

Luna: Here. It was on the papers this morning.

*I took the paper and Hermione read it out loud.*

Hermione: "15 years ago, the infamous incident in Alberta, Canada, near the town of Roanoke, had been discovered—still no known records show of what has happened and what occurred during the experiments made by Reverend William Bill Stryker. Cornelius Fudge had this to say after Stryker had died of heart failure. 'Whatever Stryker had done in the past, rest assured he'll never do again.'"  

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now