Year One: The Sorcerers Stone pt 3

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*I wake up feeling exhausted a little. That nightmare scared me to death. But...why was I having it? And what was it about? I shook it off for the moment and would worry about it later or some other time. As I was getting ready for classes, Hermione came down from the girls' dormitory.*

Hermione: Jason?

*I look behind me and saw Hermione all ready to go.*

Jason: Oh. Morning Hermione.

Hermione: Morning. You're up early.

Jason: Same as you.

*She looked over and saw the blankets on the couch. Crap. I had been caught.*

Hermione: Have you been sleeping down here?

Jason: Y-yeah.

Hermione: How come?

*I had to think up a lie.*

Jason: Uh...the uh...the bed wasn't that comfy.

*Okay, that wasn't technically a lie, it was comfortable but I had to say something to get off the hook. She gave me a skeptical look, but she seemed to have bought it.*

Hermione: Oh. Okay. Well, ready for classes, Jason?

Jason: Ready as I'll ever be.

*Hermione and I walk together to get to class. Our first class was with Professor McGonagall. We walked in and saw a cat sitting on the desk. I figured the cat was McGonagall since I stayed up late to study a bit on Transfiguration and Animangus.*

Jason: Morning, Professor.

*The cat leaped off the desk and transformed into Professor McGonagall.*

McGonagall: Impressive, Mr. Kyler. How did you guess?

Jason: I did a little bit of late-night studying about Transfiguration and Animangus. Plus it was just a guess.

*My reason seemed to impress the professor. Hermione was in shock when I guessed that Professor McGonagall was an Animangus.*

McGonagall: Very well. Not many first-years would've been able to guess which teacher is an Animangus. 10 points to Gryffindor.

*She changed back into a cat and leaped back onto the desk. Hermione and I chose a desk to sit at and do a bit of reading before class started. So far, we haven't seen Harry or Ron show up yet. Alexa sat behind us with another Slytherin.*

Alexa: Where are those two?

Jason: Knowing them, they probably forgot or they're heavy sleepers. I'll take the latter.

*Eventually, they came in rushing into the classroom breathing heavily.*

Jason: *Whispers.* Speak of the devil.

*Hermione smirked and shook her head.*

Ron: Whew! Made it! Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?

*The cat jumps off the desk and transforms into Professor McGonagall again. Ron and Harry are amazed.*

Ron: That was bloody brilliant!

McGonagall: Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps, it'd be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way, one of you might be on time.

Harry: We got lost.

McGonagall: Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats.

*Harry and Ron were able to find their seats. Later on, inside Snape's potions classroom, everyone is chattering, sitting near steaming cauldrons. I was busy taking notes with Hermione when suddenly the door slams open and Snape comes rushing in.*

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now