Year Six: The Half-Blood Prince pt 1

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*Over the past few weeks, Alexa's been getting the hang of training with Jean. Things were going well within the X-Men. That was until Bobby and Kitty started fighting. Ever since she's been dating Ron, he hasn't been showing his nice guy side. He'd often sneak out and get drinks when he was not supposed to. Scott caught him once and reported it to Professor Xavier, safe to say, Bobby won't be doing that again. From what Rogue's told me about her and Harry, they're doing alright. She mostly wishes she could be able to kiss and hug him without causing harm. I didn't blame her since Harry almost collapsed last year. Alexa told me that she and Oliver decided it was best if they didn't see each other again. It was a hard choice for both of them, but they split nonetheless. Besides, she's been spending more time with Fred. Or wait...was it George? God that's gonna haunt me for the rest of my life. Hermione's been sending me letters, as always. I would occasionally write back to her when I had free time. Few days in, I decided to start boxing with Scott. He and I got along quite well. Mr. Mccoy would occasionally watch, he would also take turns watching with Jean. Today, I was in the ring with Scott. Storm and Rogue walked in.*

Storm: Morning boys, who's winning?

Jason: Stick around, and you might find out.

*I whacked Scott with two body kicks and then came in with an elbow to the head. He stepped back in shock. I started hopping in the ring and swinging my arms.*

Jason: Oh yeah, that felt good.

Scott: What the hell was that?

Jason: What's it look like? I'm boxing.

Scott: No, that was dirty boxing. You can't get away with stuff like that.

Jason: Fair enough.

*He and I traded and blocked punches and kicks. Just then, Alexa walked in with Rogue and Kitty. I turned around and saw them. Giving Scott to tap me on the head.*

Scott: Lesson one. Never take your eye off... 

*I didn't even let him finish, I spun kicked him and he goes crashing into the corner of the ring. I then tapped the bell.*

Jason: Done.

*Alexa walks over.*

Jason: Hey. How's training?

Alexa: Pain in the arse. Literally.

*I couldn't help but laugh as she rubbed her bum. She must've landed hard on the ground many times.*

Jason: Ah, you'll get used to it. 

Scott: Hey, Alexa. Ever boxed before?

Alexa: No actually. Never tried it.

Scott: Well, hop on in to the ring, I'll show you the ropes.

*Alexa gets into the ring with Scott. I decided to head over to where Storm was sitting. I felt a pain in my ribs. Storm noticed.*

Storm: You alright?

Jason: Yeah.

*I sat down next to Storm. She looked at me concerned.*

Storm: It's hurting again, isn't it?

Jason: I'm sure it's nothing.

Storm: Jason, I talked with you about this. You should be seeing Hank or the Professor, if you keep ignoring it now, it will get worse and worse by the second.

Jason: I'll be fine, Ororo, my healing should be taking effect any second now.

*Okay, I lied. For some odd reason, my healing wasn't kicking in as fast as it used to be. Ever since my last mission, there was a hole in my rib cage. The bleeding had stopped thank god, but now and then, the hole has gotten bigger, making it bleed more too. Alexa had looked over at us.*

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now