Year Seven: The Deathly Hallows Pt 1 pt 3

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(Harry POV)

*We stopped by Grimmauld Palace 12 for a safe place to sleep and hide out in. As we entered, we saw a bit of dust forming into a demonic spirit. It looked like Dumbledore. It floated right at us. Alexa put it out with one spell.*

Ron: What was that all about?

Hermione: Probably Mad-Eye's idea. Incase Snape decided to come snooping.

*We heard something out in the distance. Bottles clinking of sorts. Hermione used Homenum Revelio to see if anyone was there. There wasn't.*

Hermione: We're alone.

*We all tucked in once we found a room. As I slept, I saw Voldemort and Wormtail interrogating Olivander. They were in a dungeon. Olivander said something about using a different wand. He then turned to Adam and Wade. Voldemort said something about finding Jason or he will never get a cure. That's when I woke up. I decided to look around the place and into Sirius' room. That's when I heard Ron.*

Ron: Harry? Hermione? Alexa, where are you? I think I found something.

*We met Ron outside a room. He opened the door and the room was almost like it was ransacked.*

Hermione: Lovely.

Alexa: Wait...Look at this.

Hermione: "Regulus Arcturus Black"

Ron: R.A.B.

*We met back in the kitchen and I reread the note.*

Harry: "I know I will be dead long before you read this. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it."

Ron: R.A.B. is Sirius' brother.

Hermione: Yes. But the question is, did he destroy the real Horcrux?

*I set the note down and started to think. Hermione noticed my expression.*

Hermione: What is it, Harry?

Harry: Ron...Did Wade ever find a cure for his condition? The one he is in now?

Ron: Not really...he spent half his life looking for one. Why?

Harry: I think Voldemort's convinced him there is one if he can find Jason.

Alexa: Did we ever figure out where he could've gone?

Hermione: this point, I think he doesn't want to be found. So it's best we leave him where he is.

*This confused me. I thought Hermione would jump on the opportunity to find him. Just then, we heard clattering behind the cupboard door. I walked over as everyone stood up. I opened it to see Kreacher hiding. I pulled him out and dragged him into the center of the room. He hid behind a table.*

Harry: You've been spying on us, have you?

Kreacher: Kreacher has been watching.

Hermione: Maybe he knows where the real locket is.

*Alexa tossed the locket to me, and I held it in front of him.*

Harry: Have you ever seen this before? *sternly* Kreacher?

Kreacher: It is Master Regulus's locket!

Harry: There were two, weren't there? Where is the other one?

*He whimpered a bit but slowly approached us.*

Kreacher: Kreacher doesn't know about the other locket.

Hermione: Yes, but did you ever see it? Was it in this house?

Kreacher: Flithy mudblood! Death eaters are coming--AH!

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