Year Two: The Chamber of Secrets pt 9

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*Me, Harry, Ron, and Alexa rush to the DADA office. Once there, I push the door open.*

Jason: Are you sure about this, Harry?

Harry: Lockhart may be useless, but he's going to try and get into the Chamber. At least we can tell him what we know. 

*We enter inside and I see Professor Lockhart packing his things and leaving.*

Harry: Professor! We have some information for you!

*He turned around to face us and we were immediately shocked.*  

Jason: What the heck?

Alexa: Professor, are you going somewhere?

Lockhart: Uh, ah- well, yes- um, urgent call- unavoidable- got to go. 

Ron: What about my sister?!

Lockhart: Well, um- as to that, most unfortunate. No one regrets more than I.

Ron: You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher! You can't go now!

Lockhart: Well- I must say- when I took the job there was nothing in the job description about a-

Harry: You're running away? After all that stuff you did in your books?

Lockhart: Books can be misleading!

Harry: You wrote them!

Lockhart: My dear boy, do use your common sense! My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I'd done all those things!

Alexa: You're a fraud! You've just been taking credit for every other wizard or witch has done.

Jason: Is there anything you can do?

Lockhart: Yes, now you mention it. I'm rather gifted with Memory Charms. Otherwise, you see, all those wizards would have gone blabbing. And I'd never have sold another book. In fact, ah...I'm ah...going to have to do the same to you four.

*I had already gotten my claws out and pointed them right at Lockhart.*

Jason: Don't even think about it.

*He lowered his wand knowing he had no other option. Alexa took his wand from him and she and Ron went behind him while Harry and I led the way. We arrive at the bathroom where Myrtle is crying.*

Moaning Myrtle: Who's there?

*She saw Harry and immediately felt lovestruck for him.*

Moaning Myrtle: Hello, Harry. *Blushes and Giggles.* What do you want?

Harry: To ask you how you died.

Moaning Myrtle: It was dreadful. It happened right here in this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying, and then I heard somebody come in.

Harry: Who was it, Myrtle?

Moaning Myrtle: I don't know. I was distraught! But they said something funny, a kind of made-up language. And I realized it was a boy, so I unlocked the door to tell him to go away and...I died.

Jason: Just like that? How?

Moaning Myrtle: I just remember seeing a pair of great, big, yellow eyes...over there by that sink.

*Myrtle flies off in a moaning whimper. Harry walks over to the sink and inspects it. On the side, was a snake.*

Harry: This is it. This is it, guys. I think this is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.

Ron: Say something. Harry, say something in Parseltongue.

*Harry then spoke in Parseltongue and it started to shift. The sink opened up with the sink stalls going down and the top lifts up. Revealing a tunnel. I looked in and nearly fell down through it.*

Lockhart: Excellent, Harry. Good work. Well, then, I'll just be...There's no need for me to stay.

*I stopped Lockhart before he had a chance to escape.*

Jason: Yes, there is.

*I shoved him back to the entrance. I got my claws out and pointed them right at Lockhart, as did Harry and Ron with their wands.*

Harry: You first.

Lockhart: Now, children, what good will it do?

Ron: Better you than us.

Lockhart: But... Obviously, yes.

*He slowly turned around to jump down. He turned back to us.*

Lockhart: Sure you don't want to test it first?

Jason: Get the fuck down there.

*I kicked him in the back and he fell down the entrance. He then spoke up after a few seconds, his voice echoing.*

Lockhart: It's really quite filthy down here.

Alexa: It's where trash like you belong.

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now