Year Three: The Prisoner of Azkaban pt 1

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(Harry POV)

*Tomorrow was Aunt Marge's visit. I was up late doing some magic studying, I asked Hermione if I could borrow her book of spells for it, she was a bit skeptical about it, but lent it to me. I came across a spell, 'Lumos Maxima', and tried it out myself a few times under my bed covers to hopefully dim the light and not detect any suspicion from the next-door neighbors and before my Uncle Vernon came in to check what was going on. I acted like nothing happened and pretended to be asleep. When he was gone, I hid under my covers again and got back to practicing the spell.*

Harry: Lumos Maxima.

*I kept getting Lumos every time. This time, I said it a little louder.* 

Harry: Lumos Maxima!

*It shone brightly and hummed loudly. I did it. When it was over, I heard Uncle Vernon coming back. I came out from under the covers and pretended to be asleep again. When he left, I silently grinned and chuckled to myself. The next morning, I sent the book back to Hermione by Owl. Just then, the doorbell rang. Aunt Marge was here.*

Aunt Marge: Harry! Harry! Harry! Open the door.

*In the foyer, I open the front door. It is raining outside and Aunt Marge exhales as she brings her umbrella down and gives it to me. She passes the foyer into the kitchen where Aunt Petunia stands waiting. Aunt Marge's pet bulldog Ripper is on a leash. Aunt Marge and Aunt Petunia exchange greetings as Ripper lifts up on his hind legs at Aunt Petunia. I unfold a small parchment while Uncle Vernon takes off his car coat.*

Harry: Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form.

Vernon: What is it?

Harry: Nothing. School stuff.

Vernon: Later, perhaps, if you behave.

Harry: I will if she does.

*Yeah, like that would happen. She then looked at me with a scowl.*

Aunt Marge: Oh, you're still here, are you?

Harry: *Annoyed.* Yes.

Aunt Marge: Don't say 'yes' in that ungrateful way. Damn good of my brother to keep you. *To Vernon* He'd have been straight to an orphanage if he'd been dumped on my doorstep, Vernon.

*Dudley laughs nearby at the tv while eating snacks. Hearing that, Aunt Marge looks delighted. She walks up to the couch and gives him kisses.*

Aunt Marge: Is that my Dudders? Is that my little neffy-pooh? *Gives Dudley kisses on the head.* Give us a kiss. *To Ripper.* Come on. Up, up, up.

*Ripper jumps up on the couch.*

Vernon: Take Marge's suitcase upstairs.

Harry: Okay.

*I walked up the stairs with Marge's suitcase. No matter how bad this was going to be, I had to make sure I kept my word in order to go to Hogsmeade. Later that evening, I served dinner to everyone and cleaned up the dishes. Marge would often have her dog clean her plate. Vernon walked over with champagne.*

Vernon: Can I tempt you, Marge?

Marge: Just a small one. *To Petunia.* Excellent nosh, Petunia. 

*She snaps her fingers to me, letting me know to collect her plate and Rippers.*

Marge: Here, a bit more. *To Petunia.* Usually just a fry-up for me, what with 12 dogs. *To Vernon.* Bit more, that's a boy.

*She takes the glass and takes a sip of it. Then hands it to Ripper. I watched and thought that wasn't a good idea. She looked up at me.*

Marge: What are you smirking at?

*I shrugged and put the leftover potatoes back in the bowl.*

Marge: Where did you send the boy Vernon?

Vernon: St. Brutus'. It's the finest institution for hopeless cases.

*The only hopeless case is Dudley's diet.*

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